View Full Version : My New DVR-2005 -- Added a new photo link -- works to!

Bill Stevener
06-20-2005, 11:37 PM
New link to photos: http://img235.imageshack.us/img_viewer.php?g=web001f7ep.jpg
Hello to all,

I have placed a post on the turners forum, with some photos of the DVR-2005 treadle wood lathe that I completed this year. As a turner it is something that I have longed to do. Now that I am retired, I found the time, as well as my dr. said I should have an exercise program of sorts.

A very kind request was maid, to post the same in the General forum, so other woodworkers, that generaly do not visit the turners forum, may have a chance to view the same.

I will only post one photo here, however, a link is provided for additional photos and information about the lathe. I have some 150 photos of the turning and construction, but only linked to about 40.

Thank You for looking, hope you enjoy.


ps. stop in and visit for a while at the turners forum, some realy nice stuff going around.--------

There's more than one way to skin the cat - I edited the post and added one of the photos :)

Ken Salisbury
06-21-2005, 6:07 AM
Really GREAT WORK ! ! ! ! !

Joseph N. Myers
06-21-2005, 6:28 AM

I'm not a turner so I have no idea of what that it (well, somewhat) but boy, does it look complicated.

As far as getting "duplicate" pictures on SMC, one (usually) easy way is just to duplicate the picture(s) on your PC, i.e., another name, and they upload (attach, copy, etc) the duplicate picture to your post. Of course, you could have Ken do it but he seems to be keeping busy enough these days.

Regards, Joe

Bill Stevener
06-21-2005, 11:51 AM
Hi Ken & Joe,

Thank You for the help, This day is off to a good start, I have learned something from the get go. I must pay more attention to my daughter, she is the comp. wiz. Things seem to be working now, thanks again.


Vaughn McMillan
06-21-2005, 2:44 PM
Bill, that is one awesome lathe. Obviously built by someone with a passion for what he's doing. Very well done, and thanks for showing it to us.

- Vaughn

Richard Wolf
06-21-2005, 7:12 PM
I know I threw kudos at you in the turners forum, but I just looked at your picture link and I just have to repeat, that is a fanastic job building that treadle lathe. It looks like a masterpiece. I built one a few years ago when I was giving some demo's on windsor chair building, but it was bare bones compared to yours.
I don't know how long ago you left Long Island but (even if it was yesterday) it is more congested than when you left.


Bob Noles
06-21-2005, 7:19 PM

I am sitting here with my mouth wide open trying to think of a single word or phrase to describe my feelings about your "toy" and the only thing that enters my limited mind is..... "AWESOME"

That thing is beautiful as well as functional. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Joseph O'Leary
06-21-2005, 11:06 PM
That is one awesome lathe. Great work!!

Roy Wall
06-21-2005, 11:12 PM

I am sitting here with my mouth wide open trying to think of a single word or phrase to describe my feelings about your "toy" and the only thing that enters my limited mind is..... "AWESOME"

That thing is beautiful as well as functional. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Ditto that thought:eek: :eek: Unbelievable.....................

Talk about a deep talent pool at SMC --- I'm blown away...........

Bill Stevener
06-22-2005, 7:36 PM
Just like to thank all the folks that stopped by to look at my post, and for all of the kind words.

The lathe was very labor intensive, however a very rewarding project. Now all I have to do, is learn how to play it.;)

Thanks again, back to where the square wood goes round :cool: .
