View Full Version : Posting Pics or Links Problem

David Delo
03-12-2014, 7:48 AM
I'm posting this message using IE 11 but right above this text box there are no icons that allow for Bold, Underline, Spacing, Inserting Picture, Inserting Link etc. etc. This happens in both posting a new thread or replying to a thread. However, I have full functionality using Firefox.I did post a new thread last night in the General Woodworking section and was only able to post a link to my Photobucket site by typing in the address. I was able to edit the post this morning and insert the picture directly into the post in Firefox.Are there know issues with IE 11 or does anyone have a fix for this issue?

David Delo
03-13-2014, 7:24 PM
I've read a couple threads that are similar to but not the same as other people are having posting pictures. I've discovered a couple tidbits of information. I post on other woodworking boards that are using vBulletin. Woodworking Talk uses version 3.8.6. and Shopsmith uses version 3.5.4 and I have no problem posting or replying to a post on those site versions using IE 11. However, AAW uses 4.2.2 (same as SMC) and I have the same issue with that site. Here's a couple pics:

As you see above. There's no opportunity to do anything except type text. No icons for font, bold, indent, insert, link etc. etc.

Here's the normal screen that I get using IE 11 on any other non-4.2.2 site or all sites when I use Firefox. Really not interested in using 2 different browsers to get my daily woodworking fix.
Anyone have a solution?????