View Full Version : I made a Maloof style rocker with Paul Lemiski

03-10-2014, 8:08 PM
I just completed a 6 day "Build you own Maloof inspired rocking chair" with Paul Lemiski
and I have the following comments -great course-terrific teacher-even nicer person.
When I decided I wanted to build this type of chair I determined that I wanted a one-on-one course. Also,seeing as how Paul was in Eastern Canada and I was in western Canada I looked for something a little closer to home. But I could not find any other courses offered that we're one on one. All the others were 2 or more. So I braved the long flight(for me) and I am glad I did. As mentioned, although he is young, Paul in an exceptional teacher.And you get to work in his shop with his tools. And, as you are building your chair, Paul is building his own along with you. So Paul will explain what part you will be making, then he makes his piece while you watch him and then you build your own piece. He gives you his undivided attention. These rocking chairs require a lot of steps so Paul's method works exceptionally well.and you get to use first class, well maintained equipment.And Paul is a perfectionist so you know you are doing it the right way. My chair still requires considerable sanding which I will do in my own shop (if you opt for the 10 day course the chair will be fully finished when you leave).So if you feel a little intimidated or don't function well in a classroom environment this course could work well for you.


Mike Heidrick
03-10-2014, 8:46 PM
Cant wait to see pictures Fred. Congrats!!

Gary Kman
03-11-2014, 8:28 AM
Congratulations. Watched the video on his website.
Looks like it gives the student a chance to be a world class woodworker for a week without
the space, time, and huge investment in tools, design, fixtures and finding material.

How did you get your chair home?

03-11-2014, 1:56 PM
It goes in a custom made wood crate and shipped by freight.Paul uses expandable foam bags to protect the chair inside the crate.

03-12-2014, 1:04 PM
No "finished" pictures yet because its not finished. But, you can go to this link (http://www.canadianwoodworks.com/blog/6-day-build-your-own-rockin.html#.UyBOcF5csnY) to see pictures of the build as well as the "unfinshed" chair.