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View Full Version : Engraving Bullets

mike klein
03-09-2014, 5:48 PM
Had a customer email me today inquiring if I laser engrave bullets. Not sure what kind he is talking about yet but it has me concerned not matter what type they are.
Anyone every attempt this?

Dave Sheldrake
03-09-2014, 6:21 PM
Slugs are copper alloy and cases are CZ103 Mike, a basic laser isn't going to do much to them (other than possibly set them off if they are live rounds)



David Somers
03-09-2014, 6:25 PM
My thinking exactly Dave!

Mike...be sure your exhaust system is strong enough to take live exploding rounds of that caliber, and the outlet isn't aimed at your neighbors or your dog kennel or anything.
<silly grin>

Bullets? Hopefully he means bullets, the typographical kind????

mike klein
03-09-2014, 6:34 PM
Well, thats enough guys to convince me to pass on this one. I did some other work for him so he was going to give me first chance at this new project but I already told him I would pass. I guess he has a couple other guys lined up who do engraving on live bullets. Either they know how todo it safely or takeing their chances.

Gary Hair
03-09-2014, 7:42 PM
Had a customer email me today inquiring if I laser engrave bullets. Not sure what kind he is talking about yet but it has me concerned not matter what type they are.
Anyone every attempt this?

Just a technicality, but a "bullet" is the projectile, the part that holds the projectile is the casing (or cartridge) and the entire assembly is typically called ammunition. Lasering a bullet would be perfectly safe although it would not likely laser well since it's either copper jacketed lead or plain lead. If you mean the casing then that's usually brass and unless is hasn't been fired it would be very safe to laser - you'll have to clean it to bare metal and use Cermark.

Bill Cunningham
03-09-2014, 11:19 PM
If a cartridge goes off in your laser, it's just going to go bang like a firecracker.. There would be a bit of brass shrapnel flying around, but there is ZERO chance the bullet will leave the laser cabinet. But, the shrapnel may damage your lens or mirrors if they get a direct hit.. Bullets dangerously flying around, ricocheting off stuff and going through walls etc..only happens in the movies.. A heated uncontained 30-06 cartridge for example will not penetrate a ordinary cardboard box.

Mike Null
03-10-2014, 6:27 AM
I do brass shells for an ammunition company which they then have made into pens. I use the Newing Hall for that.

Chuck Stone
03-10-2014, 9:55 PM
I was going to suggest the same thing, Mike.
Shells are the new rage with pen turners and
I get requests to do casings. (Cermark on brass)
Some are now doing CNC engraving on 50mm

Isaac Clarke
03-11-2014, 5:49 AM
Ask him if you can engrave before the assembly process :)

Mike Null
03-11-2014, 7:12 AM

You are right. They just delivered a box full yesterday.

Dave Sheldrake
03-12-2014, 4:07 AM
"Yes I'd be happy to do the job"

Looks a little less inviting if a box of 30mm GAU8 shells turn up ;)

