View Full Version : Larger extension wing for 1999 Unisaw

Marcus Kellermann
03-08-2014, 9:39 PM
I've recently purchase a 1999 3hp unisaw. It is in great condition and has riquired on minor work such as good cleaning. It has the common thump on start up. Chech the collar on the shaft, going to replace the belts next as I don't know how long it sat between use. What I am wondering is if anyone know where I can find a wider left side cast iron extension wing? Mine has the standard 8" wing and I'd like something in the 12 inch range. I see that saw stop has a 12x27 wing but I can't find any indication that it will fit the unisaw.

John R Green
03-08-2014, 11:07 PM
Instead of the traditional v-belts, please consider "Link Belts" instead.
My 2005 Unisaw functions quite well with them.
Make sure set screws in pulleys are tight since your in the neighborhood.

Welcome to the Creek.......you'll learn a lot.


Charles Lent
03-09-2014, 6:41 AM
Here is one way to get a cast iron extension for your Unisaw table. Other brands are available if you do a Google search for Cast Iron router table extension. The critical dimension is the length which needs to be the same as the Unisaw's top front to back which is 27". The bonus is that you not only get a cast iron extension, but a good place to put a router.



Marcus Kellermann
03-12-2014, 10:40 PM
Thanks, for all the replies. I'm located in Oxford, PA.
What's the general census on Routers on the saw, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I frequently will use both tools at the same time, it seems like have the router on the table saw limits what you can do when in router mode. i.e. remake a style should you screw one up.

Charles Lent
03-13-2014, 8:36 AM
If you put the router extension on the opposite side of the saw blade that you normally have the table saw fence, and you use a separate fence for the router there will be very little interference between the two. The plus for putting the router there is that it eliminates the need for a separate router table. In most small shops, space is at a premium so not needing a separate router table is well worth any inconvenience caused by it.
