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Paul McGaha
03-04-2014, 3:49 PM

Angel is the yellow lab, She's been with my son Louis's family for about 5 years. The cat is Lucy, She's been with them for about 1 year.


Cyrus is a chocolate lab. He's a few months old now. What a character. He belongs to my son Dennis's family.


And here's Mandy. She's 12 years old and has been with my family for 11 years.

Please join me in showing off those cats and doggies creekers.


Bruce Page
03-04-2014, 4:09 PM
Love the snow critter!

Michael Mahan
03-04-2014, 5:44 PM
283970 :)
Misty & Elvis

Mike Cooper
03-04-2014, 7:34 PM
Meet Laurel. She's a rescue Maltese-Poodle.



Michael Mahan
03-04-2014, 10:08 PM
Meet Laurel

She's a Cutie Pie ! :)
Elvis & Misty are Irish Terriers

Phil Thien
03-04-2014, 11:27 PM
Roy Rogers the beagador (half beagle half lab all tennis ball).

Lori Kleinberg
03-04-2014, 11:39 PM
283989 This is Turbo the cat (12lbs). She is 13.5 yo. We've had her since she was 8 wks old from the Humane Society.
283991 These 2 are Duchess the chihuahua and Austin the yorkie. Duchess is a 13 yo paranoid, skizo, anti-social, blind purebred chihuahua (4lbs) we have had since she was 8 wks old. Austin is my baby. We got her at 8 wks old and she is now 21months. She is a 7lb purebred Yorkshire Terrier that has livened up our house and lives.

Bruce Page
03-04-2014, 11:48 PM
Our critters, Kodi & Ella

Paul McGaha
03-05-2014, 7:10 AM
Roy Rogers the beagador (half beagle half lab all tennis ball).


Is Roy more the size of a lab or a beagle?


Mike Olson
03-05-2014, 8:55 AM
All of our animals are mystery shelter breeds.

Here is a picture of Autumn, she is VERY active and 4 years old

Here Leo, he is more of a Watcher type dog and very laid back and 1 year old. I picked him out :)
Leo in his favorite chair looking for a belly rub.

edit: hmm... sorry for the wonky pictures, not sure why they are sideways / upside down

Wes Mitchell
03-05-2014, 9:38 AM
Cherry is our 4 year old Dachsund/Mountain Curr/??? (I like to tell people she's a Chilean Fish Hound) we rescued when she was 6 months - she's the long skinny one. Oberon (Obe) is our Cane Corso the wife had to have. He's 8 months now, and 100lbs of lazy cuddling fury.

Bill Edwards(2)
03-05-2014, 10:00 AM
The Beagles

Jake (a rescue)
We think he was at least 2 when we got him in 2000
So he's 16+.... His back used to be black


Paisley (another rescue)
I think she was trained to hunt, but is afraid of thunder.
So I suspect she was afraid of the gun and left in the woods.


Jim Rimmer
03-05-2014, 1:02 PM
The cat is Speedy, she adopted us in 2008 while she was still a kitten.
The dog is Tippy, an All American breed, rescued in 2009 after being abandoned during Hurricane Ike by previous owners. Like all rescue dogs, she was 2 years old. Now we think she was more likely 4-5 years old. She loves riding in my truck and that thing she is sitting on I bought from Duluth Trading dot com. It is made of fire hose material and hangs off the headrests. It protects my leather seats and in case of a sudden stop, it will catch her.

Lots of good looking pals posted here.

Rich Riddle
03-05-2014, 3:36 PM
The cavaliers. Meet Dee Dee, Serah, Walter, and Bear. Dee Dee and Bear are the off-spring of Serah. Walter's a very distant relative. Dee Dee wears a "Thuder Shirt" in the storms. Makes her act like Mighty Mouse.


Jim Matthews
03-05-2014, 5:52 PM


Gordon Eyre
03-05-2014, 6:08 PM
This is Harley, a ten year old Sheltie. We are best friends and walk together every morning.


Jim O'Dell
03-05-2014, 10:41 PM
This is Tainey, aka Tainaron's Tango At Coolmeadow 284052She is 9+ years old now and as you can see, she is getting a little grey. The next 2 pictures are of the same dogs. The black dog is Jett, the first of the 200+ rescues that have crossed our door step that didn't leave. The red one is Ryder, aka Jadestar Stetson. Ryder was about 14 weeks old here, and Jett about 20 weeks.284053 This is the same dogs all grown up. As you can see, they are still best friends. 284054 We believe Jett to be a mis-marked Gordon Setter, or a Gordon/Irish cross getting the solid color of the Irish with the black of the Gordon. The picture in my avatar is of Ryder showing a little of his devilish side. Jim.

Don Morris
03-05-2014, 11:18 PM
This is Snickerdoodle, he used to come over in the summer on our deck and sit in my lap while we had breakfast. Lived two doors down with a Great Pyranees named Winnie who was his buddy. Winnie died and they got a new puppy and they don't get along. So snicker decided he would come down here and live with us. We had just lost our own indoor cat, so Snickerdoodle has become our cat. The neighbors understand...You can't make a cat do what you want them to do. They do what they want to do. I now feed him, take him to the vet, pay the bills, and he sleeps with us, etc. but he's still registered under the neighbors name. He likes the more quiet environment of our retired life, than the new puppy who pestered him at the neighbors. And that is Snicker as my Photo next to my name, curled up on my workbench which he will visit as long as I don't have power equipment on. You can't accuse us of abusing him.


Tim Boger
03-06-2014, 6:46 AM
Here's our 3 Amigo's ....284064

Jim Matthews
03-06-2014, 7:12 AM
The picture in my avatar is of Ryder showing a little of his devilish side. Jim.

The Devil is adorable, drools a little at the sight of cookies and likes to be scratched behind the ears?
Ryder would never do anything untoward in your house, to your furniture or articles of clothing.

That's why Ryder keeps Jett around, to take the rap.

Jim O'Dell
03-07-2014, 10:38 PM
Jim, he's a little more obnoxious these days than adorable. (Although is is going to be a stunning looking dog when he finally fills out weight wise.) And, Jett is the good little boy. He only tackles Ryder when he wants to play. Ryder on the other hand tackles me!!! ;) Jim.

Paul Saffold
03-08-2014, 7:52 AM
This is Harley, a ten year old Sheltie. We are best friends and walk together every morning.


Beautiful dog and photograph, too.

Gordon Eyre
03-08-2014, 11:55 AM
Beautiful dog and photograph, too.

Thanks Paul, he is a poser.

Tom Fischer
03-09-2014, 7:10 AM

Frisbee dog, winter rules apply.