View Full Version : Drying slices of burl

Jim Tobias
02-27-2014, 2:25 AM
I have bought a few pieces of burl (spalted maple, walnut,etc) that are in the 8" - 12 " long, 4"- 8" wide and 2" - 2.5 " thick.
Some are fresh cut and some have been drying for a few months(3 - 5).
I am planning to resaw these into thin (1/4"- 3/8") pieces that I will use as panes in decorative boxes. I know that I have to let them dry for awhile(1 year/inch of thickness??), but was wondering if there is any time to be gained by resawing them and then letting them dry? I assume they would dry much faster but probably turn into "potato chips". Any ideas on this? If I resawed them and "stickered" with some weight on top?
Just looking for possibilities.

keith micinski
02-27-2014, 8:17 AM
Preheat the oven,and bake at 350 until golden down on both sides.

keith micinski
02-27-2014, 8:22 AM
Here is a good thread that mentions boiling which I had never heard of and would like you to do so you can do a detailed explanation of the process. Someone else mentions an alcohol bath. Here is a post about it. Well I see I forgot to attach the links and now I cat fnd them sorry about that.

Metod Alif
02-27-2014, 9:07 AM
Have you thought about microwave drying? There are several pointers on the Web. I have no experience yet but plan to try it eventually.
Best wishes,

Yonak Hawkins
02-27-2014, 2:16 PM
I would recommend against cutting into thin strips before drying. That's a recipe for buckling.

If you have a dehumidifier you might research a home-made set-up for dehumidification drying. That may be just the ticket for a few pieces.