View Full Version : bandsaw blade problem

mil ford
06-18-2005, 4:13 PM
What could cause a bandsaw blade to twist back and forth? The cutting edge and the back edge twist back and forth causing a very rough cut.

Chris Barton
06-18-2005, 5:18 PM
Hi Mil,

The only think I could guess it that maybe you need more tension on the blade. Are the guides adjusted correctly? If so, a one dollar bill should just fit between the guide and the blade. If they are adjusted correctly then my money is on too loose a blade.


Richard Wolf
06-18-2005, 5:47 PM
I agree with Chris, try to turn the tension up and see if it helps. You don't mention what kind of blade or saw. Can only assume it's not a cheap blade.


Robert E Lee
06-18-2005, 6:09 PM
Check and make sure you blade does not have a kink. Unplug, turn the blade slow, should beable to see if it is kinked