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View Full Version : laser/acrylic

Rhonda Lach
02-25-2014, 7:20 PM
I'm new here, so if I've come to the wrong place, let me know.
My question is I'm making some acrylic stamps to stamp into soap I make, I'm using epilog 600 mini, I have speed at 90 and power at 100...600 dpi,
the thing is my stamp seems to be lower on the sides and higher in the middle, which really doesn't work for me.
When I use lower settings it takes a couple hours to make one 2 x 2 inch stamp, which seems to be way too long.
any suggestions? the acrylic is 3/8" thick.
Thanks, Rhonda

Mike Lassiter
02-25-2014, 7:46 PM
post a picture please so we can see what you are talking about. Something doesn't sound right to take a couple of hours for a 2"x2" area.

Joe Pelonio
02-25-2014, 8:13 PM
Instead of engraving, cut the image out of 1/8" (or whatever thickness you need) acrylic, and glue it onto the thicker piece. Acrylic is not a good material to engrave deeply enough to make a stamp, though softer materials probably won't penetrate the soap unless done when still soft.