View Full Version : My Captive Hollowing Rig

Jim Ketron
06-18-2005, 9:10 AM
I know some of you have seen some of my other Homemade tools and here is another addition to add to the arsenal, I really enjoy making them
I have been putting off making it for a while and had some time the other nite and this is what I come up with in 4 hrs worth of work. It was constructed with 2 1/2"X 1/2" thick steel plate 1", 3/4",1/2" Pipes. I have my laser on order so i cant make the bracket that holds it untill it comes in. hope to get a chance to play on it this weekend:)

Bill Esposito
06-18-2005, 12:56 PM
Looks good Jim. What do you have at the business end of that? Also, where did you order your laser? I'm thinking of adding a laser to my Scorpion.

Dick Parr
06-18-2005, 3:18 PM
That is a great looking tool Jim, you have missed your calling. At least you will have something to fall back on when you retire, in about 35 years. :D

I read somewhere that if you turn the D-handle over it will cut down on the vibration, might want to give it a try. :rolleyes: ;) :D :p

Nice job as usual Jim. :)

Jim Becker
06-18-2005, 3:55 PM
Very nice job, Jim!! You really have a talent for making these kind of things. ;)

Question...did you make the laser arm removable? I can say from experience with my Jamison setup that there are going to be times when you will not want it "up there".

Michael Stafford
06-18-2005, 4:31 PM
Jim, you are quite the engineer with your Ketron tool rests, steady rests, captive hollowing rigs, sharpening jigs, tool stands, tool handles and more. You really have become Ketron Tool Works. :) ;)

I know I love the steady rest you made for me...It works like a dream! :D

I also heard somewhere that if you turn over your D-handle it will reduce vibration. Give it a try, it might work!!! :p :rolleyes: ;) :D

Jim Ketron
06-18-2005, 6:06 PM
Thanks Guys

Yes its removable Jim I welded on a 1/2" coupling and the rest is threaded pipe and fittings I was thinking the same thing and it will store away with less bulk.

Jim Ketron
06-18-2005, 6:16 PM
Bill I orderd one off Ebay it was under $9.00 shipping included and it uses AAA Batt and not the small ones

Fred LeBail
06-18-2005, 7:43 PM
Looks good ,Jim.Could you post a picture of the Steadyrest that you made, I am going to make one and need some ideas.
Thanks, Fred

Jim Ketron
06-18-2005, 8:00 PM
Here ya go Fred;) Cant find the ones of it all painted up but here it is in the rough stage. Me and Big Mike talked about making one in an octagon to save the bulk! also this was made for Big Mikes Lathe and not the Jet Mini so it looks Huge on it:D

Fred LeBail
06-18-2005, 9:19 PM
Thanks Jim, it does look BIG.!!!

Don Henthorn Smithville, TX
06-18-2005, 10:45 PM
I am wondering about the laser end of the upper rod. What arrangement will you have for lateral adjustment of the laser. Moving it in or out for different length tools is not so hard. However if you are using a 45 degree angled bit in the boring bar there must also be lateral adjustments. I am always interested in the way this is accomplished. You are going to love it once you get to using it. Somtimes when I am lazy I will use it even when I am not hollowing. Don't tell anyone.

Jim Ketron
06-18-2005, 11:25 PM
Good points Don! If you will look on the D Bar there is a threaded coupling that the 1/2" Pipe screws into so I can swing it out and in for the Lateral movement and when my laser pointer comes in I will make an adjustable slide for the in and out movement.

I put it to use tonight and WOW this is gona be fun:D

Jeff Sudmeier
06-20-2005, 8:26 AM

I hope you had fun with it! Show us pics of how it worked! It sure looks like a nice stable rig!

Ernie Nyvall
06-21-2005, 6:25 PM
Jim, I didn't know there was such a thing until you posted this, and so now I have looked it up. Yours looks better than any I've found. Now, after the buttering up, I don't suppose you would post the dimensions, or are you selling plans? Did you use a 1/2" pipe for holding the cutter?

Thanks for posting this and the steady rest.
