View Full Version : Walnut turnings

Jim Seyfried
02-22-2014, 7:57 AM
A few turnings from a walnut log I got last spring. These are all finished with Danish oil and Beall buffed but not waxed. This bowl was the first rough out that I made. I sealed it with Anchorseal with hopes of keeping the knot from cracking. The bowl is 11' x 5".


I made these candle holders form a request from a friend for a gift for his daughter. He didn't have a style in mind, just said he liked the creativity of the things I made. It took several tries to come up with something that I liked and about 5 times longer to make another one identical. It was a challenge but very rewarding experience. That is good because my wife and my mom would like a similar set. They would probably go well with the salad bowl. They are about 12" tall with ebony candle cups and quilted maple bases.


This vase stretched the capabilities of my hollowing tools at a depth of almost 15", it is 16" x 5" and was supported with a Oneway steady rest. I had to slightly modify the design to make that work. However, it convinced me to invest in a Carter multirest, I'm am anxiously waiting the arrival sometime next week! :D


Thanks for looking!
C&C welcome.

Donny Lawson
02-22-2014, 8:02 AM
Great turnings. I really like the candle holders.

Roger Chandler
02-22-2014, 8:39 AM
All are very nice..........that tall vase is special!!! Nice work!

Allan Ferguson
02-22-2014, 9:13 AM
Fine crisp turnings.

Ken Glass
02-22-2014, 11:50 AM
Those are all very nice turnings. I am partial to the candle holders because of their uniqueness. 15-16" is always a challenge when hollowing for me. Excellent job on all of them.

Jay Yoder
02-22-2014, 10:14 PM
Those are all great! I love the simple elegance of the vase! One question, what type of mask/respirator do you wear while turning the walnut? I have always been told that black walnut is extremely tough on the lungs?

Harry Robinette
02-22-2014, 10:44 PM
Really nice turnings all of them are beautiful. If I had a choose the candle sticks are outstanding.

Jim Seyfried
02-23-2014, 7:23 AM
Those are all great! I love the simple elegance of the vase! One question, what type of mask/respirator do you wear while turning the walnut? I have always been told that black walnut is extremely tough on the lungs?

Thanks Jay. Walnut can also irritate your skin, some people won't turn it. I have allergies so try to limit my time turning it. When I am turning it I use a Trend Airshield pro, have a dust-collector on hooked to a hood by the lathe and have a Jet air cleaner running. Sometimes I use a good dust mask instead of the TAP, I think it works as well or better and is more comfortable. However, I try to make it a habit to protect my lungs no matter what I'm turning, as I think there is probably an accumulative effect of saw dust, even from woods that don't give an immediate reaction.

Jim Seyfried
02-23-2014, 7:27 AM
Thanks for the comments…they are appreciated!

Jay Yoder
02-23-2014, 10:25 PM
Thanks Jay. Walnut can also irritate your skin, some people won't turn it. I have allergies so try to limit my time turning it. When I am turning it I use a Trend Airshield pro, have a dust-collector on hooked to a hood by the lathe and have a Jet air cleaner running. Sometimes I use a good dust mask instead of the TAP, I think it works as well or better and is more comfortable. However, I try to make it a habit to protect my lungs no matter what I'm turning, as I think there is probably an accumulative effect of saw dust, even from woods that don't give an immediate reaction.

It sounds like you are proactive about it, which I too try to be too. I think the Trend Airshield is a great idea, albeit expensive. Is it comfortable to wear? Limit Vision? What do you mean when you state, "Good dust mask"? A canister type or is that a brand name? I always wear my canister type anytime I sand anything just to be safe.

Jim Seyfried
02-25-2014, 10:08 AM
It sounds like you are proactive about it, which I too try to be too. I think the Trend Airshield is a great idea, albeit expensive. Is it comfortable to wear? Limit Vision? What do you mean when you state, "Good dust mask"? A canister type or is that a brand name? I always wear my canister type anytime I sand anything just to be safe.

The Airshield isn't too bad if you turn in a good ergonomic position, but if your head is tilted down it gets heavy quick. I don't think it limits my vision while turning. Noise would be another complaint. The same is true with running the dust-collector. Thinking about this I find it ironic that when I built my house I installed a central vac system in the garage so that I wouldn't have to listen to it, now I have a noisier one in my shop. I should build a shed for it and the compressor! I use 3m masks, the ones I have now are n95 and n100. I also wear a face shield, so between that and the dust collector I think it is doing pretty good. I think that the Airshield probably provides more protection though as I have a goatee.