View Full Version : New member

Jerry Murphy
02-21-2014, 10:04 AM
Hello folks. I've been lurking, reading, and learning for a few months. I'm recently retired, have my old late 1800's home work finally done, and am getting into woodworking. I just bought a new Grizzly hybrid table saw to replace my 40 year old Craftsman. I also bought a good used bandsaw from a local woodworker who got a new one. Can anyone recommend a good book on bandsaws to help me get started with that tool? The saw is a 14" 1 1/2 hp Craftsman. Thanks very much. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from all of you!

Terry Beadle
02-21-2014, 10:58 AM
Hello and Welcome,

I like Mark Duginske (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Mark+Duginske&search-alias=books&text=Mark+Duginske&sort=relevancerank). He's though and a very good teacher IMO. He also has videos that are good.


Enjoy !

Keith Hankins
02-21-2014, 11:15 AM
First welcome! Wow an 1800's house that sounds cool. Congrats on the new toys as well. I've got several griz pieces and they have been ok so let us know how yours works out. When I got my 17" BS from Griz, I asked the same question and the universal response was among others, "The bandsaw book" by Lonnie Bird. I found it to be very helpful. You could go to abe books and find a used one cheaper, but its not expensive. Take care.


Jim Rimmer
02-21-2014, 2:02 PM
Wlecome to the Creek. And another vote for Duginske's book.

Jerry Murphy
02-21-2014, 3:46 PM
Thank you guys. I have the two books ordered. Appreciate your comments.

Kevin Womer
02-21-2014, 6:43 PM
Welcome! The two books already mentioned, and Duginske also has a video on bandsaws and another on woodworking machines. There is a lot I learned from those as well. They are Tauton videos.

Jerry Murphy
02-21-2014, 8:49 PM
Welcome! The two books already mentioned, and Duginske also has a video on bandsaws and another on woodworking machines. There is a lot I learned from those as well. They are Tauton videos.

Thank you Kevin. I'll check them out