View Full Version : New (again) Turner

Kenneth Whiting 79
02-18-2014, 11:25 PM
Hi All,
I just joined the site again after taking about 5 years away from turning. I've done some flat work in the mean time, but haven't had a lathe since I was last seen around here. Back then I made a few pens and bottle toppers, and a couple other little things. Well, I caved last week and went ahead and got a lathe again. I made a pizza cutter and an ice cream scoop to get the feel back, then decided I was going to start making bowls. I've been wanting to for a long time and I'm do glad I finally did it. Here are my first 2 bowls.

The first one I did is the straight edge that is about 6 inches across and 2 inches deep.
The second is about 5 1/2 across and 2 1/2 deep. They are both figured maple of different grades.
Critique away.

Brian Kent
02-19-2014, 12:13 AM
Kenneth, welcome. These are marvelous bowls and amazing wood!

Dennis Ford
02-19-2014, 8:24 AM
Nice bowls, the second is my favorite.

Kenneth Whiting 79
02-19-2014, 8:52 AM
Thanks guys.
here are a couple more shots of the second bowl.

charlie knighton
02-19-2014, 8:59 AM
welcome back Kenneth, nice bowls, great figure

David Coburn
02-19-2014, 9:02 AM
Hi Ken...

I think both bowls look great.. I would say I'm partial to the first one. I like the darker coloring in it.


George Morris
02-19-2014, 10:07 AM
Welcome back Ken! I also like the second bowl, I like the flowing curve. The first bowl with the square transition is what most new bowl turners turn and it is the hardest to do! You have to turn the bottom with a scraper as opposed to using the bowl gouge riding the bevel to form a sweeping curve. Good you are back giving bowls a try. G

Thomas Canfield
02-19-2014, 9:30 PM
Welcome back to turning. It does not look like you forgot how to turn or finish a bowl. Look forward to your next posts.

Kenneth Whiting 79
02-19-2014, 9:53 PM
Thanks again everyone.

I'm not happy with the finish (I purposely didn't show the details). The second is smoother than the first but not where I want it. I put General Finishes Wood Turner's Finish on everything I've done this week and it just isn't turning out like I expect. I don't know if I'm not putting enough on or if I'm using too much/little pressure at the end or what the problem is.