View Full Version : How to Remove dried Finish From Lathe?

Stan Smith
02-18-2014, 6:38 PM
I've got 2 Jet Mini lathes. I've been careless (dumb?) and got Mylands high friction polish on my lathes. Using wd40 and synth steel wool I got most of it off of the bed, but I'm now thinking that would not be a good way to remove it from the painted parts. Seems that I read somewhere that Jet's paint is thin so I'm concerned about using thinner including lacquer thinner. I would like to clean these lathes up to sell so would appreciate any ideas to remove the Mylands. Thanks.


Kyle Iwamoto
02-18-2014, 6:42 PM
The finish on the Jets that I have are pretty thin....... I've worn away paint on both of them. Lacquer thinner will probably easily remove most of it. Maybe try Johnstons paste wax with a Scotch Brite? Plain JPW will not get it off.

Michael Mills
02-18-2014, 7:33 PM
If your Mylands is like mine it is shellac based, if so it will dissolve with DNA. I assume the paint on the lathe is enamel which the DNA may not hurt? If not I would wet papers towell with DNA and then cover with plastic wrap (to prevent rapid evaporation) and let set 15-30 minutes. The shellac should be dissolved and wipe away.

mike ash
02-18-2014, 7:50 PM
I reworked my Jet 1642 and this involved repainting with spray paint. When I finished it looked like new. My recollection is that I either googled the Jet spray paint color,or found it here on Sawmill. At any rate, I was able to purchase at local retail store and do a good job.

Dick Mahany
02-19-2014, 11:21 AM
Another option is to sand the spots down and paint it. I needed to repaint several Jet tools and lathes, but the Jet paint was too costly. I had my local Ace Hardware do a computer color match on some oil based enamel and it came out perfectly and only cost ~ $10 for a full quart. The color formula info is in the attached thread here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?205540-Painting-Jet-1236-Lathe&p=2132429&highlight=#post2132429.

Lee Reep
02-19-2014, 11:54 AM
Another option is to just strip it down, and give it that hot rod, candy apple red paint job you know you want!

Seriously though, I think you should be OK using DNA to remove the spills, assuming it is shellac-based.

Stan Smith
02-19-2014, 7:14 PM
You guys really rock! Thanks for all the suggestions. Lacquer thinner does take the paint off, but DNA works to a degree. I didn't use wool with it though-just a paper shop towel. Dick, many thanks for sharing your excellent idea. I'm going to use it and just to some touch up/careful blending. I didn't soak the DNA, but some stuff on there is almost like baked on. The texture of the metal is like orange peel, too. Anyway, many thanks for helping me out.
