View Full Version : Temporarily gluing acrylic pen blanks together.

Nathan Clark
02-17-2014, 11:47 AM
I've got an idea that will require me gluing acrylic pen blanks together stacked side by side and end think of it as butcher block.

First, I need to permanently add a section of wood in the middle of the pen blank. I'm assuming CA is sufficient for this and still hold up for the next steps.

Now I want to do a newspaper joint between blanks stacked side to side and end to end say 20 side by side X 2 end to end. then I'm going to newspaper glue it to a waste block that I'll mount to a face plate. Then I'll do face work on it. then brake down the newspaper joints.

OK so does anyone have recommendations? What kind of glue with hold acrylic to newspaper and still allow it to separate? Will the First permanent glue hold up with out separating when it comes time to break it all down? I'd experiment, but dang those pen blanks aren't cheap so I'd rather get some input first.

Oh and one more thing is there such a place that sells 1x6 acrylic, because that would eliminate the need for me to extend each blank with wood in the middle?

If I've been unclear is describing my problem, let me know I'll rephrase. Thanks for your help

Dan Hintz
02-17-2014, 1:08 PM
CA glue is fine for blank-to-blank connections... make sure all of the surfaces are extremely flat, though, for a good connection. I've never tried to glue a blank to newspaper (not sure why you're doing that in the first place), but it will likely be easier to just glue with whatever you have on hand (CA) and sand off the paper when you're done.

Nathan Clark
02-17-2014, 7:40 PM
I'm gluing it to newspaper so I can separate the blanks later. I'm worried that newspaper will saturate with CA and not separate later. I know this works between two pieces of wood with wood glue, I just have my doubts that wood glue will adhere to acrylic.

Dan Hintz
02-17-2014, 8:36 PM
I'm still a bit confused as to the process you're trying to (re)create from wood blanks... do you have some pics? I know the type of cutting board look you're after, I just can't imagine a process any more complicated than it is with wood.

Lee Reep
02-17-2014, 9:35 PM
What about double-faced tape t hold the blanks together? If the masking tape variety is too thick, then maybe double-sided Scotch (transparent) tape?

Tom Wilson66
02-17-2014, 9:42 PM
Instead of a full stack, use some small scraps to experiment with the paper joints. If you hve some cut offs, those would be good to experiment with. If it won't work with small pieces, you haven't wasted much material.