View Full Version : need ideas ASAP for a funeral

Jerry Toschlog
02-17-2014, 10:39 AM
Since I need ideas quick I have posted this on other forums to get more ideas thanks in advance

My aunt passed away and the calling is tomorrow, I was trying to come up with something I could turn today in memory of her. I thought a bowl that a plant could sit in at the calling and funeral. Of course the plant would also be in its own pot. I don't want it to seem like a 2nd flower pot and in turn be "seen" as just that. Any ideas??????
Thanks Jerry

Scott Hackler
02-17-2014, 12:45 PM
Make a trio of matching candle holders for the one and tall tapered candles.

Brian Kent
02-17-2014, 12:53 PM
A bowl with flowers will work well. A typical viewing or funeral will have any number of flower arrangements. If you make the flower part smaller than the bowl part, you can show that the gift is the bowl and not just a commercially bought flower holder. I would make sure that it does not end up in any form that could be mistaken for a cremation urn. Could be confusing. And as Scott says, candle holders are also nice. Make sure there is a holder for the candle so that you don't have flame against wood.

Jerry Toschlog
02-17-2014, 1:00 PM
Thanks guys, those are both great ideas. Since I posted this I remembered I have potpourri lids I have never made a potpourri bowl, should be no big deal. I was thinking that route but now with Brian's cremation urn comment, NEVER thought of that, hummmm has me wondering if the potpourri pot is a good idea.

Brian Kent
02-17-2014, 6:17 PM
It is fine if you have a sign that says, "Potpourri Pot". ;)

Mel Fulks
02-17-2014, 6:38 PM
I think I would fill it with rosemary along with a note mentioning it has been associated with death and remembrance for thousands of years. And having it filled makes the gift meaningful and a sign unneeded. If you can't get rosemary use any available evergreen. And a gift useable beyond the funeral is in itself a sign of continuity.

Jerry Toschlog
02-17-2014, 6:53 PM
Ok thanks everyone, I did the potpourri pot.

Mel... "note mentioning it has been associated with death and remembrance for thousands of years"
I had never heard that, I googled rosemary and found SOME info like that but not much. Kinda cool to know..

Jerry Toschlog
02-17-2014, 7:36 PM
282726Ok guys I have to tell you this,
Turning lemons into lemonade again and again and again andyet again on

When I went to turnthis potpourri pot things did not go well.

1. I grabbed a 3" thick hunk of walnut and cut a blankonly to notice on the bottom there was nice deep crack from a knot. Ok fine I will make it thinner.
2. While turning, I had a catch that surprised me and tookoff a chunk of the side, ok fine turnit down and make it not as wide.

good part is I tried for the FIRST TIME a Sorby tool for hollowing that is hooked with a cutter blade on it andWOW it was great....

3. I was starting to cut off the tendon and the bowl chippedat the top, two pieces. They were perfect so I CAed them back on and you haveto look hard to see them.

4. Back to cutting the tendon, and yep just as it was aboutdime size it came off with a hole in the bottom. I did not think I was nearthat thin. Ok at this point I am a tad bit frustrated, but can I once again turn that darn lemon intolemonade.
Heck yeah!!!!!I went to the spindle sander and increased it to a perfect nickel sized hole atthe bottom. I then placed a nice screen insert, from a screen window, insidethe pot. Of course this hole was "planned" from the beginning as itis an "air vent" it lets air circulate within the pot so the aromaescapes better into the air!!!! lol lol

Jerry Toschlog
02-17-2014, 7:39 PM
I pasted the above post from WORD no idea why it all ran together and different font size ...

Brian Kent
02-18-2014, 1:33 AM
That is some really fine lemonade!