View Full Version : Moxon Vise and Hold downs

Gary Kman
02-16-2014, 5:53 PM
Artic weather had me inside watching too many Woodwright videos and saw how handy a Moxon vise and hold downs would be. Have a habit of using whatever is laying around and it worked out this time. Didn't have strap iron thick enough for the hold downs so doubled it like a leaf spring for half the length. Seems to work.

Liked the idea of acme threads but once again had some 3/4" all thread. With the knockoff style wingnuts I can back off an inch of slack with one spin so acme thread wouldn't be an improvement. In fact with the finer thread I can easily twist
the knockoff just a hair more to rotate it out of the way.

Ron D Davis
02-16-2014, 6:03 PM
Very nice setup for your Moxon vise. I also have one on my To Do list.

david brum
02-17-2014, 8:43 AM
Great idea on your holdfasts. A leaf spring makes sense. Did you also make the vice nut handles?

Jim Matthews
02-17-2014, 9:28 AM
Your Moxon looks a great deal like mine, Version 1.0

The only thing I would say about using all thread is that it's got lots of sharp edges.
The main advantage of the Acme thread is the flat lands allow for easier cleaning, and less marring of boards.

If your boards are less than the clearance, that won't matter.

If the front and rear chop have sufficient play (at least one of the two through holes should be oval),
you can clamp a variety of tapers. Too much play and it's difficult to keep things steady as the chop may move.

If you can get the top faces of the front and rear chop to level and flat along the length,
it can act as a paring guide, as shown by our Man Down under, Derek Cohen.

(His version looks like a piece of demonstration furniture, mine is no where near so pretty.)

Gary Kman
02-17-2014, 1:22 PM
The wingnuts were made from 6 1/2" of 1" X 3/16" flat with 3/4" balls welded on the ends and a hex nut in the middle. Taper and bend to satisfy the eye.

I looked over Derek Cohen's site and didn't find anything about paring in the vise. I pare bending down from the waist with my shoulder pushing my fist as needed. Would feel a bit like shooting pool in the vice.

Thanks for your interest.