View Full Version : Weekend Shop Time

Michael Dromey
02-15-2014, 10:03 PM
Am I alone here or what? You work all week. Sometimes all night( work a job subject to call outs). Look forward to Sat shop time to wake up Sat to have a soar back and to be to exhausted to safely play in the shop. Well that is what happened to me today.

John C Lawson
02-16-2014, 1:29 AM
You're not alone. My job is highly stressful (I'm an IT manager), and I am just too tired and irritable when I come home for turning to be enjoyable. I live in Texas so it is too hot to turn in the garage for about five months of the year, and too cold for another three months. And I won't even mention all the week-ends taken up with "honey-dos" and other family commitments. I just don't get in much turning time. I do use weekday evenings to plan things in my notebook.