View Full Version : Teds Woodworking Projects

Tim Beckett
02-12-2014, 3:01 PM
I just got a link to this and looked at the video, and the price of $67 for 16,000 plans. I smell a scam or at least an oversell. However it is legit, then it may be a good deal.

Anyone had any experience with this?


Tim Beckett

paul cottingham
02-12-2014, 3:10 PM
Scam. Do a search here of teds woodworking. It's shocking.

02-12-2014, 4:56 PM
Trust your instinct, it is a scam.

Earl Rumans
02-12-2014, 5:05 PM
It's a scam but the worst part is every time you try and search for a plan you will end up with links to this guys scam. He must have a hundred different sites feeding his scam.

Michael Mahan
02-12-2014, 5:12 PM
Steve Ramsey goes into detail on this Scam

Disclaimer ; not in anyway am I working for this site or am affiliated with Steve , just that he does a good job explaining the fraud much better than I could .

Tim Beckett
02-13-2014, 1:47 PM
Thanks for the reply's. I will pass on the 16,000 plans. Shoot I would only have time to do about 5,000 projects so the rest would be wasted!! :):D

Dave Richards
03-14-2015, 6:43 PM
Sorry to dredge up an old thread but I thought it was interesting that the thief behind Ted's Woodworking stole my drawing of a ladderback chair (http://www.tedwoodworkings.net/woodworking-plans-morris-chair/) (scroll down a little) and seems to be indicating that is a plan for the chair. It's nothing of the kind. I drew the model for a blog post on Design. Click. Build. (http://www.finewoodworking.com/item/36563/drawing-with-plugins) at Finewoodworking.com. Ted, or whatever the dirtball's name is didn't even bother to hide the link to the original. I guess he's doing false advertising, too. There's no more than 15.999 plans if there's even that many.:rolleyes: