View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
02-03-2014, 8:49 AM
3 Feb 2014

Good Morning Everyone,
Still not heat in my shop and it looks like I may have to work on installing that wood heater sooner than I had planned. Money keeps getting tighter because the cost of buying things is continuing to climb. For example, the normal roll of aluminum foil that we typically buy was $5 a roll and not it is $10 a roll. Many food items are costing a little bit more but they are putting less in the packages. No matter, I won't open a discussion of what I feel is going on.

I have another couple of cutting boards I have to make this week and it looks like I'll be using our house to do all the glue ups. I don't know how well this will work, but I'm going to give it a shot and see how well and I do this. I do have permission to use our house for a temp shop from the LOML. :)

Not enough snow and ice to worry about after the front went through yesterday and last night. At least not here where we are, but other parts of our state got some pretty good snow and bit of ice.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
02-03-2014, 9:40 AM
Saturday 2 friends and I drove down to Woodwerks in Columbus. Got home to about 4" of slush on the road and driveway so I cleaned that off before it froze and got SOAKED in the process. Sunday morning was icy so we planned to stay home but LOMLjr's basketball coach was able to get the gym so we ended up going out after all. Finished up the day by LOMLjr overflowing the toilet in her bathroom bad enough that we had to pull the toilet and trim to get the no-glue vinyl floor up and clean and dry under that. We always said that was a long-term temporary floor so we put it back but LOML and I decided its time to start looking for a deal on tile to do it right. Floor is only 5-1/2 x7 and the vanity takes part of that so it shouldn't be too expensive.

Keith Hankins
02-03-2014, 10:05 AM
Well, got my old slot mortiser out of the shop that I sold on E-bay. The buyer was in Vermont, but his brother stopped by and picked it up. Second big thing was cleaned up a tad, and ran a new 30A dedicated circuit for the Sawstop coming this coming weekend. That was about it.

Mike Olson
02-03-2014, 10:18 AM
It was warm enough this weekend that I was able to work in my garage/shop while the kids played in the front yard.

I started work on a double sided finger joint jig for my table saw. 1/4" and 3/8".
Cleaned up the shop a lot and finally put my belt grinder away so I have access to my bench top again.
finally untangled and put away that 50' air hose that has been on the floor for weeks.

Restocked my supply of screws and re-organized a few shelves to put those items i use most where i can actually use them. Why did i store all my screws in the corner I had to reach for and had little used grinder disks, extra electrical covers, wire nuts, and cable staples in front of where I work?

Shawn Pixley
02-03-2014, 12:14 PM
The mailbox for us and two other neighbors sits on our property. Previously I had sunk a steel post for support and shrouded it with wood. One of the neighbors hit it a couple of years ago and it had rusted through leaving a ragged steel shard sticking up about 1/2". I spent most of Saturday breaking it out of the concrete without wrecking the drive or the adjacent water main. Really un-fun!

I cursed myself for doing such a good job of setting the post. If the post hadn't been hit and the steel hadn't rusted out, it would have been fine. Sunday I re-set another post (after coating with epoxy) and temporarily mounting the three mail boxes to it. We then met with a sales person for PV Solar panels. If they can address how they intend to mount the panels without voiding the warranty of our flat, single-ply EPDM roof, we'll likely pull the trigger.

The Superbowl is usually a non-event at our house, but because Seattle was our home for 12 years, even LOML wanted to see the game. We were finally rewarded for sticking through the embarassing years. Seahawks. Today I ache from the breaking up of the concrete. I'll build a new post enclosure for the mailbox.

Jerry Herrington
02-03-2014, 1:31 PM
Decided to build the NYWS router station instead of buying a pre-made table. Got the sheet goods cut for the carcase. After making a zero clearance insert for my dado stack, got all the dados and rabbets done. Lots of fun! This is going to take awhile, so I'm taking it a bite at a time.

Bill McNiel
02-03-2014, 1:48 PM
Well I finally bit the bullet and started work on my "temporary" 10' x 12' Finishing Room addition to the shop. I built one 4 years ago but it has morphed into wine storage (and assorted whatevers) until I complete the Wine Cellar. Although there is still room there it is not a good idea to subject wine to the fumes inherent in finishes (I use Waterlox a lot).

Got it framed, insulated, GWB hung, doors installed and half of the electrical in. Spent the rest of Sunday reveling in the Seahawks well deserved domination in the Super Bowl. I've been waiting for that alot longer than the Finishing Room. Must complete the project today so I can get the "Boat Desk" out of the machine area and get started on the next comission "The Vigina Table", also the desk client is getting understandably impatient.

David Hostetler
02-03-2014, 3:32 PM
I know it's been a LONG time since I posted here, so this is far more than a weekend's accomplishment...

I guess the last time I posted was around November 2012 right after I had pulled the sub panel and circuits into my shop... Since then I have...

#1. Insulated the shop powered wall.
#2. Re-sheet rocked the wall, taped, floated, primed and painted. What a pain!
#3. Re arranged and organized my entire shop, including creating a pulley / eye bolt lift system for my 6' step ladder to secure it tightly to the ceiling.
#4. Built a miter saw / mortiser workstation narrower than the prior one to allow the upright freezer to be brought into the shop.
#5. Thoroughly cleaned the shop (Done this weekend, HUGE job itself!)
#6. Added another set of Closetmaid standards and brackets for shop shelving to hold supplies and my spray tools.

I am not sure if this is against the rules, so moderators please edit this and let me know if I am breaking the rules. I am not trying to...

I have a workshop blog where I am placing the photos and descriptions of what is going on in my shop at daves-workshop.blogspot.com (http://daves-workshop.blogspot.com) and I know it's not much, but it has been fun. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it too, and maybe even get some inspiration from my efforts!

Jay Jolliffe
02-03-2014, 4:05 PM
Well....I learned how to use a tractor. Moved some logs with it & cut up a bunch of maple, oak & birch for fire wood. It's nice to be able to lift the logs up to cut them instead of cutting them on the ground. Some were about 20" across & their a pain in the a** to try to roll them so I can cut through them...Now I just have to split it....

Ruhi Arslan
02-03-2014, 8:20 PM
Dry walled the new 14'x35' shop space... :)