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View Full Version : New Shenhui Laser - No UL Plaque Listing Power Specifications

Lou Anderson
01-28-2014, 9:56 AM
Hello all,

We just imported a Shenhui laser and our electrician is having a hard time with us wanting to hook this baby up without a UL listing or any power specifications shown on the machine. Can you guys please tell me if your Shenhui came with a specification sticker or plaque, and if not, what the laws and restrictions are regarding using a machine in a business that is not marked with its manufacturer and power specs.

Thank you very much!


Dan Hintz
01-28-2014, 3:08 PM
I can almost guarantee those things are not UL listed as a whole... you might find a UL listing on the power supply itself, but not on the machine as a whole.

Walt Langhans
01-28-2014, 8:17 PM
I just went and looked at my machine and no listing. But my machine just plugs into the wall no electrical work needed.

Scott Shepherd
01-28-2014, 8:23 PM
You might want to check with your insurance agent about it. I was told years ago by someone that if the machine burned the building down and didn't have the UL listing, then our insurance wouldn't cover it. It's worth looking into. I have an appointment with our insurance guy Thursday. I'll ask him and see if he knows or can find out.

Mike Lassiter
01-28-2014, 8:41 PM
My understanding is like Scott's. Kind of off topic but Ashley makes wood heaters. Older ones didn't have UL approval. I ask what was the difference in newer ones that did and non rated ones. Older ones burned hotter than UL approved one. Insurance was reason given. If your house caught fire using a non UL approved one insurance might drop you. Don't think they can refuse to cover (?) claim but then again it would be bad if they could.
UL is very specific. I have been told if a product was tested and something was altered say changing the size of a wire then they required recertification again as it no long was as tested. Also advised testing cost manufacturers ten of thousands of dollars for each product. Not sure if UL approval even means anything outside US.

Dave Sheldrake
01-28-2014, 8:58 PM
yea it does Mike, we have CE here that effectively means the same thing, for a single product of mine the CE certification cost me a little over $20,000 to ensure it was all in order. It covers most *manufactured* items here and it's illegal to offer any covered item for sale without it.
The paperwork has to be stored and kept available for 10 years after the last item is manufactured and a technical file is also required to be kept for presentation to any lawful authority that requests it.


An item purchased for hobby use is one thing, an item that is purchased for business use even if it's the exact same item is covered by different laws. I can buy a drilling machine for home use in my garage and take the chuck guard off, if I did that at work with the same machine the fines are up to £25,000 or 6 months in jail.

