View Full Version : Parts availability for Delta 46-460?

Dave Kartzman
01-27-2014, 11:58 AM
Does anyone know if parts have gotten easier to find for the delta 46-460? In the last couple of days, I have had some problem with the speed control. it would start up slow, then suddenly speed up to the speed it was supposed to. I've also had it running at a consistent speed, only to slow down (I wasn't turning at that point) for a few seconds and then speed up. I have blown out the box several times, but I suspect one of the components is starting to go.Thanks in advance.Dave

Jack Gaskins
01-27-2014, 6:11 PM
I had a similar issue. I took my speed knob apart and cleaned the contact plate. It did not look dirty but after I did that I have not had another issue in over a year.

Dave Kartzman
01-27-2014, 6:19 PM
Thank you, Jack. I haven't tried that. I will work on that this weekend.

Brian Kent
01-27-2014, 6:23 PM
This is a very difficult issue because of Delta's recent track record with replacement parts. Do whatever you can yourself to clean it.

After my 6 weeks without a Delta 46-460 just because the on-off switch failed, I got a replacement part. Here are a few of the steps:

1) Turned it in to the 1 remaining certified Delta repair place. Was told they waited over 6 months for some parts.
2) E-mailed Delta Service.
3) Searched all of the spare parts websites. Nothing available.
4) After over a month, made a formal complaint with the Better Business Bureau in the area of Delta Machinery.
5) Wrote continual complaints on the Delta Employee Facebook page.
6) Wrote to the President of the company telling him about the BBB complaint and saying I hoped they would not have to go to small claims court just over an on-off switch.
7) Called Customer Service, the same people who I had e-mailed at the beginning. After several calls the manager of the Customer Service phone dept took a control unit off of another machine and sent it to me. The local Delta Authorized Service person was stunned I had managed to get a replacement part.

So that is why I recommend you start with further cleaning as Jack Gaskins tried. Then prepare to write Delta Customer Service, bring it to your Delta Authorized Service center, call Delta Customer Service, and be prepared to complain at the BBB and write the president if nothing happens in 4 to 6 weeks.

Dave Kartzman
01-28-2014, 3:10 PM
Thank you... It gives me a plan of action to proceed.. I appreciate it.

Jim Underwood
01-28-2014, 8:03 PM
I was told not to buy anything Delta by a equipment dealer not too long ago. It saddens me to think that this reliable old company has followed in the footsteps of so many others...

Brian Kent
01-28-2014, 8:17 PM
I agree Jim. Their lathes are so great. They could keep up the sales figures just by keeping up with service.

jared parson
01-28-2014, 8:19 PM
Can't speak for the 460 but I tried to find replacement parts for my 715 last year and had trouble even locating the proper belt (among other parts). I also had speed and vibration problems. Several sites had parts listed but almost all were "out of stock" with no back order or availability date. I ended up with a new lathe. Try a good cleaning, good luck!

Paul Williams
01-28-2014, 8:48 PM
I get that problem every so often with my 46-460. I just hold my shop vac hose up against the knob and switch and the grill in back. It goes away and is good for another month or so. I do try to vacuum out those same items every time I quit turning, but it isn't habit yet. When it finally fails I plan to replace with standard electronic parts. I will look for a sealed switch and rheostat, but there is really nothing special about the parts that are in there. You might be concerned abut warranty issues if your lathe is fairly knew. Mine isn't.

Scott Flamm
02-04-2014, 4:46 PM
It is disheartening to hear about the continued parts/customer service problems with Delta. I really like my 46-460, but these issues me wonder if I should have gone with another manufacturer. Mine works fine for now but I would hate for it to become a giant paperweight if something breaks and I can't get parts.

Alan East
03-10-2014, 10:42 AM
I'm afraid mine has died too. really like it but it only runs in reverse. Of course Delta customer service says reversing switches are expected in June of 2014. Service center doesn't have them, ereplacement parts says not available, and no one seems to have a workaround. I had the same problem last fall but took the switch housing off and blew it out with compressed air which seemed to fix it . This time it didn't work. I may have found an answer on Amazon: Reverse Switch (http://www.amazon.com/Rocker-Switch-Polarity-Reverse-Control/dp/B001PNIJM2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394461821&sr=8-1&keywords=30+Amp+Rocker+Switch+Polarity+Reverse+DC+ Motor+Control) which I think I will try. Also wonder about bypassing reverse switch and running as a single direction unit. This is the second piece of Delta I have had problems with. The other was an oscillating sander that could not find replacement capacitor. I think my drill press is the only piece of Delta I have left. Its a shame such a company can get a reputation as being faulty and poor service. Doubt I will buy another piece of Delta.

Brian Kent
03-10-2014, 2:07 PM
I wonder if a class action lawsuit is the answer?

Duane Meadows
03-10-2014, 2:28 PM
I'm afraid mine has died too. really like it but it only runs in reverse. Of course Delta customer service says reversing switches are expected in June of 2014. Service center doesn't have them, ereplacement parts says not available, and no one seems to have a workaround. I had the same problem last fall but took the switch housing off and blew it out with compressed air which seemed to fix it . This time it didn't work. I may have found an answer on Amazon: Reverse Switch (http://www.amazon.com/Rocker-Switch-Polarity-Reverse-Control/dp/B001PNIJM2/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394461821&sr=8-1&keywords=30+Amp+Rocker+Switch+Polarity+Reverse+DC+ Motor+Control) which I think I will try. Also wonder about bypassing reverse switch and running as a single direction unit. This is the second piece of Delta I have had problems with. The other was an oscillating sander that could not find replacement capacitor. I think my drill press is the only piece of Delta I have left. Its a shame such a company can get a reputation as being faulty and poor service. Doubt I will buy another piece of Delta.

From desription on Amazon...

Product Description

30 amp, Momentary On-Off-Momentary On Rocker Switch.

Don't think you want to deal with a momentary contact switch.. you have to hold it down or find a way to keep it held down.

The capacitor you should be able to get any one of dozens of places!

Doug Ladendorf
03-10-2014, 3:19 PM
I got lucky with a broken switch on my 1440. Part from Grizzly fit perfectly and functions better than the original.

Harold Wright
03-10-2014, 4:22 PM
If you have tried & failed,then, try this: call 843-745-9197 to the distribution center in Charleston, SC. It worked great for me. Also for parts, have you tried ereplacementparts.com ?
I like my 46-460 but do fear having a problem & needing help.
Good luck.

Joe Scarfo
03-12-2014, 11:12 AM
I absolutely love my 46-460... and I'm scared to death about future need for parts...

It just seems strange to me that parts from the mfgr are so damn hard to come by... profitability on individual parts is so much greater than selling whole units...

A number of years ago I convinced a Delta Parts Manager to canabilize (sp) an Iron Bed 1440 lathe for one of the reeves pulley was on a 4 month back order. My shop used to be nothing but Delta... but after my shop fire when I lost everything, the replacement equipment was a blend. I was so brand loyal to them. But not any longer.

They need better funding and better business management. It seems as if the Chinese buyers bought the company for it's revenue stream and plan to ride it down to nothing. Not a lot of revenue investment into product upgrades, new products, or product support...

Thanks for listening

Brian Kent
03-12-2014, 2:41 PM
I would love to see the sales figures for their lathes after the parts problems began to be known.

Doug Ladendorf
03-12-2014, 3:47 PM
So, I took a few minutes today to try and call the number on the parts site (hadn't seen the distribution facility number posted, will try that), and I let it ring for 30 minutes. Nothing. It's funny that the site says some parts are available, but it's like everyone just dropped everything and left. Like a ghost town. The Delta Machinery page on Facebook had a few apologetic posts in early 2013 then nothing. Bought by Chang Type Industries, a Taiwan company. Why? For the business, machines, sales channel, suppliers? Doesn't look that way. For the patents, designs and intellectual property? I think it's either that or the company is utterly incompetent. Probably the former, which means we won't see Delta again the way we knew it.

Then I got to thinking about what could be done. Money is what talks here and it may be out of our reach. Who does Chang Type Industries build for? I don't know but if our collective voices could get them to stop buying from Chang it might make a statement. Otherwise I'm afraid all decisions are now business and made overseas, and a great American brand has slipped away.

Alan East
03-25-2014, 5:25 PM
You are right - I ordered the wrong one (momentary) but the supplier allowed me to exchange it for the fixed position. I'm glad to report the fixed position switch is working. The only problem is the footprint for replacement is different from the original so there is some modification to the mounting needed. I have not been able to get the slide and switch to interface properly however.

Clarence Martin
03-25-2014, 6:40 PM
Looked it up. That company makes products under the brand names Black & Deck, Craftsman and Ryobi, etc.

Clarence Martin
03-25-2014, 6:46 PM
Checked Delta Machinery out on the BBB . It is rated an F