View Full Version : Twisted Lyre v 2.0

David DeCristoforo
01-24-2014, 3:28 PM
I cannot recall ever posting a piece of work that garnered such mixed responses as "Twisted Lyre".

"Top heavy"
"Out of balance"
"…a ballet dancer"
"…less height."
"…more height"
"…faultless proportions."
"…out of proportion."

Whew! Let's get one thing out of the way right off. I am aware of the nature of human perception and of the fact that one individual's perception is simply that. I am in no way attempting to satisfy anything here but my own curiosity. In truth, I am guilty of second guessing myself and that is why I have gone back to revisit my original thought which was that this piece should have a simple, low pedestal, just enough to lift it up off the surface upon which it sits. As I mentioned in my original post, I spent so much time playing with the pedestal design that I lost all clarity and, finally just threw it up in the air and stood back to see where it would land. I was unsure enough about the result that I never glued the pieces together the low pedestal revision was pedestal was simply a matter of placing the form on it.


The question is where are the lines (if there are any) between going with your first thought, which might be the most inspired, or rethinking the idea and ending up mauling it to death. Or maybe finding that "sweet spot" by simply diving into the deep end and hoping that you can figure out how to swim before you drown. Sometimes the thoughts become like a cacophony of sound like when you walk into a room full of people who are all having different conversations. You can hear the voices but noting comes through clearly.

Paul Engle
01-24-2014, 3:39 PM
David, nice work . Really though , your perception is the one that counts . I like it , as it represents a challenge few dare to attempt ... maybe . An impresario you are indeed !

Alan Trout
01-24-2014, 4:28 PM

Much better. IMHO it draws the eye to the focal point of the finial and not the base. Seems to me to be better balanced.


Scott Hackler
01-24-2014, 4:51 PM
...what Trout said..... :)

Dennis Ford
01-24-2014, 5:10 PM
I liked the first pedestal and main form but thought that the finial was too large at the top. Perhaps it was a case of considering the piece from "bottom - up"; when my eye got to the top, it did not quite fit. I see now that looking at it from "top - down"; the pedestal was too tall.
I am glad that you changed the pedestal and not the finial. With this version, the parts fit together very well.

Doug Herzberg
01-24-2014, 5:15 PM
...what Trout said..... :)

Yep. That's how I see it, too.

Thom Sturgill
01-24-2014, 5:27 PM
David, it is not uncommon for painters (watercolor, oil, whatever) to paint on a large canvas and then trim back to improve the composition. One trick is to use a frame or mat and hold it over the painting and move it around until you find the 'sweet' spot. That is harder to do in woodturning unless your piece is multiple parts, not fastened together, and you are willing to make replacement parts.

Photo manipulation can help to visualise alternatives. I do believe you have made an excellent piece even better. Is it the best it could possibly be? We will never know, in part because that is in the eye and mind of the beholder. Are you pleased with it? Will the collector who gets it be? Those are more important questions.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-24-2014, 5:34 PM

I like it both ways but with the shorter base, the overall effect to me is that the piece has more stability.....less fragile...... I like it.

Roger Chandler
01-24-2014, 6:45 PM
I liked the pedestal height on the first version........although it needed a larger diameter base for proportion. I still think the finial is to long, which makes it's height overall out of proportion to the form...........again, as I said on WoW, this is my artistic impression and you have well stated that perceptions vary as much as each individuals artistic sense is developed.

Even with the short base, I think the finial is out of proportion. I think your work here is stellar as usual, David.....this, in my opinion is one that you did not nail on the first attempt, but no doubt in my mind that you will........your eye is that good!

Congrats on some fine work!

Jim Underwood
01-24-2014, 9:16 PM
Much better.
My never to be humble opinion is that this all fits together much better now the finial's unique properties stand out with less competition from the pedestal.
You're a fine craftsman and artist David. Never think otherwise.
I am familiar with having looked at and worked on something for so long that one cannot see the thing anymore. One must simply set it aside and come back to it later.

Michelle Rich
01-25-2014, 8:19 AM
To be the odd woman out again...I put my finger over the base, and like it just as a HF. :-) Truly, all variations look good. Great HF shape & wood. Wonderful new finial. which one is best? heck if I know. Watching you explore: priceless.

Geoff Gaudet
01-25-2014, 12:49 PM
In truth, I am guilty of second guessing myself and that is why I have gone back to revisit my original thought which was that this piece should have a simple, low pedestal, just enough to lift it up off the surface upon which it sits. As I mentioned in my original post, I spent so much time playing with the pedestal design that I lost all clarity and, finally just threw it up in the air and stood back to see where it would land. I was unsure enough about the result that I never glued the pieces together the low pedestal revision was pedestal was simply a matter of placing the form on it.

OK, I liked the first version, but (like you) I felt there was something "off" about the proportions. Now, I love the second version with the short pedestal!

As for working through the design options, do you ever use maquettes? These are models of the finished form, or parts of the form, commonly used by sculptors...I've made models from cheap lumber just to check form and dimensions, and it allows me to make several versions of the same part and see what works before committing to a finished piece.

Eric Gourieux
01-25-2014, 1:50 PM
Version 1 and 2 are two very different pieces. It's interesting how a finial or base can make the same HF body transform into a totally different piece - or in this case, how a different base can transform. When I COMPARE the two side-by-side, I think I prefer version one (if it had a slightly larger, heavier foot). That being said, either piece standing on it's own is masterful.