View Full Version : Best finish when there are lots of tight spaces

Jim Barstow
01-23-2014, 4:55 PM
Built a music stand for my nephew about 7 years ago and the finish failed; it became very splotch and looked like it had oxidized. I’m not sure exactly what finish I used since I was experimenting with various alternatives at that point. (I’m sure it was something guaranteed to be the absolute best and would last forever…)

Stripping the finish off the “stand” part worked pretty well but it didn’t for the part where the music actually sits. I decided to just rebuild that part.

Now the question is, what is the best finish and application method for something like this that has lots of nooks and crannies. I normally make larger scale pieces where this isn’t an issue. Recently, I’ve started to spray water based finishes and I’m wondering how that would work. Also, the most recent issue of Fine Woodworking had an article about using good, old Danish oil. That would be really easy but I’m not sure how well wax would work in all the tight spaces.

Any advice from people who deal with this kind of problem would be appreciated.