View Full Version : weedpot

Wally Wenzel
01-17-2014, 2:38 PM
I recently saw either a tutorial or a u-tube to make a single hole off set weed pot, any one remember seeing that? I would like to find that back,Thanks Wally

charlie knighton
01-17-2014, 4:47 PM
no tutorial or u-tube that i know of, i am sure its out there somewhere

but i did see Tom Crabb do a rotation Hollowing from the Bottom, he hollowed it from the bottom, then offset the drive center (be sure to use at least 2 prongs of a 4 prong drive) to finish turning the top..........this was in oct 2006 @ Virginia Woodturning Symposium

Rick Hutcheson
01-17-2014, 5:18 PM
Was th8is the one you saw? http://www.scrollsaws.com/images/Lathe/LillyVase.wmv

Paul Engle
01-20-2014, 11:39 AM
Pretty cool , thanks for posting the link Rick! I have a ton of silver maple growing in the front yard that will make nice practice ...