View Full Version : Proof of still turning!

Jeff Nicol
01-15-2014, 9:00 PM
Well I have not posted a picture of anything in a long while, it has been a hectic, crazy, busy time for me, but I did get a few things finished and put in the gallery just before Christmas. Then lately I have roughed out a couple of things and some others ready for finish. I spent the last 2 weeks mostly cleaning the shops and burning a lot of wood to keep the shop warm enough to work in. But mother nature tossed a monkey wrench in yesterday with almost 10" of snow and it is snowing right now with 1-3" more for tonight and tomorrow with 25-30mph winds to really whip it up into drifts.

So here are a few pictures of the things I put in the gallery and some of what I am working on now. I am also working on my little shop where I moved all my welding and metal fab stuff to, it needs some heat and I am almost done with a small woodstove made out of a 20# propane cylinder for the heat source.

Hope to be around more this year as I am not smamped with things and the honey do list has been whittled down some.


Doug W Swanson
01-15-2014, 9:21 PM
Looks great, Jeff. Nice variety of items!

charlie knighton
01-15-2014, 9:23 PM
very nice Jeff.....you have been busy

Tim Rinehart
01-15-2014, 9:24 PM
Cool pieces Jeff, good seeing you finding some time too. I think we all go thru those periods.

Mike Cruz
01-15-2014, 9:54 PM
I'm sure you MORE important things to do, but hey, everyone should get SOME turning time in...

Thomas Canfield
01-15-2014, 10:03 PM
Nice looking pieces. Lots of lids. The larger plate/platter/shallow bowl with the offset color, lower right in 1st photo, looks like it deserves a better photo to show all the details. Glad to see you posting and hope you get your heat soon.

Ray Bell
01-16-2014, 5:05 PM
All very nice Jeff, good to see you posting again. Hunting season over? If so now all you have to do is turn, and try to avoid the honey do's. Well probably a little snow plowing in there too.

Jeff Nicol
01-16-2014, 8:33 PM
Thanks all for the comments, all of the ones on the table went to the art gallery and most of them are sold already and I did not take as many pictures of them as I normally do so no other pictures of the black walnut bowl with the sapwood, so sorry Tom about that. I made a lot of little boxs and that have been going well for me and some are being used as little pet urns and the one has an "O" ring on it to seal it very tight for that reason.

Mike, I am on it like a fly on a cow pie! But now with all the new snow, more today with 30mph winds snow tonight and another 3" forecast for Saturday, I may never get done moving snow!!

I have a couple of real strange ones that I have started and if they stay together I will post them.

Thanks again,


Steve Schlumpf
01-17-2014, 12:28 AM
Jeff - very happy to see that things have calmed down enough that you can get in some turning time! Just take it easy with all that snow - no sense throwing your back out!!

Looking forward to seeing what you turn next!

Mike Cruz
01-17-2014, 8:14 AM
Looking forward to the "strange ones", Jeff. And move all the snow at once...take care of yourself!

steven carter
01-17-2014, 12:36 PM
Jeff, good to see you back at it again! Nice variety on the table. I really like the job you did turning those cookies, they look real;).

Jeff Fagen
01-19-2014, 12:29 AM
Jeff,I'm glad to see you're making it through the winter.Seems my snow removal is also keeping me busy.Really nice turnings.I wish I could have examined the bowl with the burning design.I will call you on the 20th to see if you're home after lunch.