View Full Version : Turning wood - calculating the weight of logs

Roger Chandler
01-15-2014, 8:05 PM
Some of you may remember back last year that I got a trailer and souped it up just for haulin' turning wood.


I am wondering about weight limits on the axle for loading that turning wood in log form.

I have been able to find log weight calculators for my main computer, but not successfully for my iphone......I am looking for an app for my iphone so I can readily use it in the field to know if I am overloading or not for the wood I haul for turning on the lathe.

Anyone know of a good app for the iphone for this?

Tom Wilson66
01-15-2014, 9:16 PM
Roger, just print out a list of the cubic foot weights of the logs you mostly use, find the diameter and length of the log and use the calcualtor on your phone to find the weight. Remembet, the wet log will weight about 40% more than the weight in the tabel, which is base on dry wood. Don't need an "app".

Dennis Ford
01-16-2014, 1:40 PM
A quick estimate for fresh wood (based on specific gravity of 1): diameter (inches) squared X length (feet) / 3 (do not count bark as part of diameter)
That will be a slightly high estimate for most woods when green.

Dave Bunge
01-16-2014, 7:10 PM
Dennis, that's a very handy approximation. Thanks.

Roger Chandler
01-16-2014, 7:15 PM
Thanks everyone...............since no app was available, I just bookmarked one online. If I am out in the field, and can get cell signal, I can plug in and use it. Lots of interesting ideas here, so thanks again to all who replied! :)

Roger Chandler
01-17-2014, 12:39 PM
Update: Thanks to Dale Miner who put me on to the Norwood Sawmills app............it does calculations on weight and board feet from a log and some others. I had seen it listed for android phones, but not iphones. It is available for both and is only $0.99, so I got it for my iphone. Thanks Dale!