View Full Version : A good show on Netflix with Neander roots: Happy People: A Year in the Taiga.

Adam Petersen
01-14-2014, 11:57 AM
Hi all,

I was watching a show on Netflix today called Happy People: A Year in the Taiga. It is under the documentary section. It is a really good documentary with a good bit of woodworking in it. This is not fine furniture but survival woodworking. Everything from felling trees to steam bending goes on in the show. The beauty of Siberia and the Taiga is well portrayed as well. For those looking for an enjoyable show, I'd highly recommend this one. It reminded me a lot of the Proenneke videos, albeit not quite the same. I did like the Proenneke videos better, but this is in the same league.


Andrew Fleck
01-14-2014, 12:02 PM
I just watched that recently too. I felt kind of bad for the guy who couldn't finish his ski's because he didn't have a jack plane. Looks like a hard but probably satisfying life....other than the mosquitos. I remember those from Alaska when I lived there. They are not fun at all.

Christopher Charles
01-14-2014, 12:16 PM
I also watched recently and enjoyed quite a lot (aside from Herzog's romanticism). Reminded me of the calm I've had the few times in my life when I was able to be in the field for long periods.


george wilson
01-14-2014, 12:25 PM
I lived in Ketchikan and Sitka for 6 years. Terrible mosquitos and "noseeum's". Horrible amount of rain,also.

Maurice Ungaro
01-14-2014, 1:55 PM
Saw that a couple of weeks ago too. I was struck by how much one guy did with just an axe.

Jim Matthews
01-14-2014, 6:30 PM
"You can't be a hunter without a good dog."

"A man can do almost anything with a wedge."

The skin covered skis were really something. Watching them go from green to the bending form, wow.

Adam Petersen
01-14-2014, 8:36 PM
His axe looks really sharp. I wonder what they use out there for a sharpening medium. He certainly knew what he was doing with that axe. I found the show very illuminating. The mosquitos made me cringe. Jamaica was like that on my honeymoon 9 years ago after they were drilled by a hurricane. Absolutely ruined the trip.

That show really made me realize what a sally I am though.

Andrew Fleck
01-14-2014, 9:13 PM
That show really made me realize what a sally I am though.

Ha ha. That show made me feel a little soft too. Time to go chop some wood in the snow so I can feel like a man again.

David Nelson1
01-15-2014, 6:30 AM
Watched it yesterday afternoon while making chili...... What impressed me was the canoe, but the whole film was outstanding. Hard to understand what we are complaining about when folks live like that.