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View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...

Maurice Ungaro
06-13-2005, 9:48 AM
Dennis seems to be slow on the draw this morning, so I'll start it.
Got the weekend off to an early woodworking/tool lusting start by visiting Redmond's for their open house. picked up an air filtration unit (and a Kreg BS fence!).
Saturday, I installed said air filtration unit, and let me tell you: 1) this thing sure does make the air better in my shop!, and 2) it isn't the easiest thing to hang by yourself.

Ed Lang
06-13-2005, 10:07 AM
My 10 year old, my wife, her sister and son and I made a few trips gathering some turning blanks. Had fun and a good weekend.



Lee DeRaud
06-13-2005, 10:36 AM
My 10 year old, my wife, her sister and son and I made a few trips gathering some turning blanks.
http://kc4ylx.smugmug.com/photos/24648337-S.jpgI hope I'm not the only one who saw that sentence followed by that picture and thought, "Man, this guy must have a huge lathe!!":eek:

John Branam
06-13-2005, 10:52 AM
I went to a rummage sale at my old high school this weekend, they are closing down thier wood shop and metal shop classes due to lack of interest from the students. In a school of around 2500 students only 37 signed up for wood shop. On the good side I picked up a nice dc for $50, and some real nice walnut about 25 bf for $10.

Scott Coffelt
06-13-2005, 11:59 AM
Too much rain this weekend and last week and today, need to start building a boat.

No WWing for me, we had a house showing and an open house, so Saturday was spent doing a massive cleaning...

Sunday took the boy to see the Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, glade he enjoyed it....

Watched a couple of movies, been falling behind on that lately... National Treasure (3 out of 5 popcorn bags) and Assault of Presinct 13 (3 1/2 out of 5 popcorn bags).

Had a nice outdoor meal Saturday night... as said, not much going on.

Dennis Peacock
06-13-2005, 12:21 PM
Well, another weekend has come and gone.

I worked for "work" off and on all weekend to include my birthday. Church on Sunday morning and I played bass for the worship service. Played a really cool jazz version of Amazing Grace.....Really Cool!!!!!

No real shop time. Turned 46 years old on Sunday and the LOML got me a book on woodworking: The WorkBench - A Complete Guide to Creating Your Perfect Bench

She's been pushing me to make me a decent bench, but I haven't had time or money for materials.

It's off to a local state park today to take my younger two sons to swim and picnic with the LOML. My oldest two are in Mexico on a mission trip.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

David Wilson
06-13-2005, 12:22 PM
Rain Rain Go Away
We've had way too much rain so have been giving the shop vac a work out in the basement. Finally had a nice day sunday so got some yard work done. Raining again today.

Matt Meiser
06-13-2005, 12:26 PM
Got some time in building the buffet I'm working on and now have almost all of the case pieces cut to size and I'm working on the joinery. Did a little yard work (removing suspected poison ivy from the island in the middle of our driveway.) Spent the rest of the weekend with my family.

John Hart
06-13-2005, 12:44 PM
Happy Birthday again Dennis! Saturday, I made a run to Amish country and picked up a load of wood...Lot's of Cherry and Ambrosia Maple this time. Spent the rest of the weekend fiddling with some pens, a walnut bowl and sealing about 200 turning blanks. A very wood-oriented weekend.

John Hart
06-13-2005, 12:47 PM
Might need a moderator to combine the two Weekend Accoimplishment threads!:eek: :D
Already made my post in Dennis' thread before I saw this one.

06-13-2005, 12:56 PM
Happy birthday Dennis.

Due to some poor planning on my part and busy work schedule, I didn't have the framing inspection for my deck done going into the weekend. I was afraid to get too far if there is a problem. So, I finished the steps and got the tricky mitered pieces done around the main deck. I'll fill in the rest once the inspection is done (scheduled for tomorrow).
It turns out it wasn't all that big of a setback since my wife was sick and I was watching the kids anyway. But, the deck is now officially behind schedule. Bits and piece have also pushed it further over budget. :mad: Dang, I was doing good on this one.


06-13-2005, 1:11 PM
In between the rain drops I had time to put up the sheathing on my new shop. The shipment was one sheet short of wall sheathing, but it shouldn't take too long to put that up. It's pretty much ready for the framing inspection.

You'd think that I would have learned from the last time, but it appears that I will be putting on the roof right around summer solstice. On the last shop I could only roof for a couple hours in the morning and a couple at night. Hopefully I'll get low 70s with a slight overcast on my weekend of choice.

This coming weekend I've got a family reunion, so nothing will get done, but as long as it's done by winter, I'll be happy.

I'll post some pictures when I get a chance.

Paul Canaris
06-13-2005, 3:53 PM
Building a vertical A-Frame rolling cabinet that will allow me to store accessories for the Sliding TS and shaper when they are not in use. Basically, most of my activities this past three months have been geared toward installation of new equipment (new to me at any rate), 3 phase power installation and storage units, so all my woodworking has been focused on my shop. My shop is currently a safety hazard as I work hard to make it safer...:o

Steve Knowlton
06-13-2005, 4:03 PM
Had A Great Weekend. Fri Nite Oldest Daughter Graduated From Community College With Her Associate Teaching Degree. Sat. Had Woodturning Meeting. They Made Harry Potter Wands And I Prepped Some Pen Blanks. Tv Crew Showed Up To See About The Wands. They Want To Do Interview On The Freedom Pens Also. Sun. Church Then Built An Arbor For Loml. Her Birthday Is On Flag Day. I Am A Head Of Her For Once. Great Weekend In All.

Keith Christopher
06-13-2005, 4:33 PM
Spent the entire weekend time outside with my kids. Swimming in the pool, picking and eating cherries off the tree, watching a lacrosse game, showering them with the hose. In the evening we pulled up the sofa to a couple of good DVDs and bunched up on the sofa watched them. I woke up about 2am with both of them (one on each side) lying against me sound asleep.

I love woodworking but I can honestly say , I didn't miss it at all this weekend.


Keith Christopher
06-13-2005, 4:35 PM
Spent the entire weekend time outside with my kids. Swimming in the pool, picking and eating cherries off the tree, watching a lacrosse game, showering them with the hose. In the evening we pulled up the sofa to a couple of good DVDs and bunched up on the sofa watched them. I woke up about 2am with both of them (one on each side) lying against me sound asleep.

I love woodworking but I can honestly say , I didn't miss it at all this weekend.

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Vaughn McMillan
06-13-2005, 4:54 PM
Got my used (new to me) Incra Pro jig set up and played with it a bit on my TS. Even though it's an early model, they weren't kidding when they were talking about repeatibility. It came with a 28" fence, but the mounting bracket also matches nicely with the t-slots in the rip fence that came with the TS (Ridgid TS3650), so I have a variety of ways I can use it. After reading through the Incra books and watching the video that came with it, I've decided to put a router table insert in the right-hand TS extension.

I also finished "repairing" a cutting board I made a while back that had a joint starting to open up. I cut the padauk border off the maple center, and reattached it using maple splines in all four directions. (You can see the ends of two splines in the picture below.)


I knew the design of this board was a bit iffy, since I used rectangular pieces and considering it's all end grain. I wasn't too surprised to see the wood move and the joint open up. I have a customer who wants this board, but since I've had problems with it I'm a bit hesitant to sell it now. I might just keep it for my own use. Plus, I like the matched padauk border.

I also finished up a $350.00 paper towel holder I made for the LOML. The wood was relatively inexpensive, but the dovetail jig, new router, and other assorted paraphernalia added up. This was my first attempt at dovetails; on one end the horizontal stripe matched up, but I missed on the other end by about 1/16". I used half-blind joints because SWMBO liked them better. It's primarily made of oak, with cherry, walnut and purpleheart accents. The "striped" theme is similar to a number of cutting boards I've made lately, and it also goes nicely with some hardwood knife racks hanging on the wall nearby. Here's a of shot of the finished holder:


And a detailed shot of the "good" end:


It's nothing fancy and pretty small scale compared to most of the projects shown off here on SMC, but for me it was intended as a re-learning exercise, and a warm-up for hopefully bigger projects to come. (I'd rather mess up a few dollars worth of wood instead of a few hundred dollars worth as I get acquainted again with WWing.)

- Vaughn

Steve Clardy
06-13-2005, 6:11 PM
Happy birthday buddy.
Got some ceramic tile laid in the back porch and old bathroom.
Building some lower cabinets for the wifes sewing room. That project is about wrapped up thankfully. She's been moving stuff into it. It's about full. Looks like 16x16 is going to be to small.

Corey Hallagan
06-13-2005, 9:48 PM
Well spent Saturday working on the living room remodel pulling off old trim and moving furniture around. Ready to put the stucco like texture on the walls. Sunday, spent the day at my 8 year olds soccer tournemant. She had fun and then we dropped her off for her first summer camp. It was a good weekend. To top it off I got on the scale and I have lost a total of 15 lbs. in 3 weeks. Feeling good!


Jim Becker
06-13-2005, 10:02 PM
Another week without shop activity, but it's the one time in my life I'll say it's worth it. Saturday, we had to travel to northern NJ to meet with some folks relative to our summer hosting/adoption program...which commences on 2 July...which is less than three weeks from now. Sheesh! Sunday, it was hotter than hades here, so I chose to stay in the house and put the finishing touches on the girl's room as well as doing a "deep clean" of my office...the latter so I can put in a comfortable reading chair. Dr. SWMBO chose to work out in the garden and ended up looking like a migrant worker who had a major run-in with a compost pile!

But I did "think" about woodworking, including projects to complete and projects to get started. Since I'm taking a good part of the month of July off while the kids are here, I should get a little shop time during the days when they are in camp...when I'm not sneaking in a little "real work", of course. I also played with the new video camera so I am ready to put it to good use this summer recording memories and maybe toying with other uses for the machine...around the machines, if you catch my drift.

DVD of the week was The Incredibles...quite entertaining. Definitely written with adults in mind... :)

Steve Ash
06-13-2005, 10:30 PM
First, Happy Birthday Dennis!
On Saturday we had about 300 guests attend my youngest son's open house (high school graduate)....and in attendance were fellow creekers Larry Merlau and Keith July.
Then on Sunday we celebrated my dad's 80th birthday.:cool:

Bill Arnold
06-14-2005, 7:23 AM
Our 12 year old granddaughter has been here for the past week and will be here all month. 'Nuff sed...???

Actually, when she has time between all the other activities, we're going to build her mom a candle holder. I've cut all the parts, but the kid is going to do some sanding and glue-up. She likes to do small stuff in the shop with me.