View Full Version : Vacuum chuck using ...

Lawrence Tarnoff
01-12-2014, 1:24 PM
Harrison Specialties offers two components for a vacuum chuck -- the chuck and manifold set:

http://www. ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-Drum-Chuck-wood-turning-lathe-Jet-Grizzly-Delta-Oneway-Oliver-turner-/190983051156?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&var=&hash=item7223458e34

http://www. ebay.com/itm/Vacuum-Manifold-Kit-Connects-vacuum-supply-chuck-wood-turning-lathe-/200983855210?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ecb92406a

They also suggest this HF vacuum pump:

Looks like I could purchase the components for about $250. Any thoughts?


Dennis Nagle
01-12-2014, 1:58 PM
You also need an swivel adapter for the outboard side of your headstock and I don't see that in any of the links. If you are handy, this might be a better option;


James Combs
01-12-2014, 2:58 PM
You also need an swivel adapter for the outboard side of your headstock and I don't see that in any of the links. If you are handy, this might be a better option;


Also take a look at this older thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?138915-rotary-vacuum-adapter-design). It shows several designs for the swivel that you can make yourself.

Marty Tippin
06-05-2014, 2:01 PM
You also need an swivel adapter for the outboard side of your headstock and I don't see that in any of the links. If you are handy, this might be a better option;


I'm still researching vacuum chucks and ran across this thread during my search. I know this is an old thread, but wanted to point out that you don't need any kind of swivel adapter with the Harrison Specialties vacuum chuck - the tube that runs through the spindle has a bearing where it attaches to the chuck, so the tube remains stationary (once attached to the vacuum hose) while the chuck spins. Pretty ingenious I think.

Dwight Rutherford
06-05-2014, 2:21 PM
It appears that the only chuck available is the 3 1/2". My DIY set up has different diameter chucks that allow me to secure many different size bowls,platters and hollow forms.