View Full Version : A few Crow Calls

Jack Mincey
01-09-2014, 10:12 AM
It's been a while since I posted any thing so I thought I would share this photo. I've been making these for several years now and they still sell as fast as I can make them. The bodies are made of Cocobolo and the inserts are made of Red Cedar. They are used by turkey hunters to locate gobblers and by hunters that are helping thin down the crow population. This run took me about three days in the shop this week. Making the inserts takes most of the time. Jack http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v727/flyrod444/DSC00701_zps688b1583.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/flyrod444/media/DSC00701_zps688b1583.jpg.html)

Ted Calver
01-09-2014, 11:24 AM
Very impressive Jack. What's your choice of finish, or are they just buffed?

charlie knighton
01-09-2014, 3:11 PM
very nice, the thing about the calls is, they have to sound right, there is more than just a nice turned curve

making these for several years now and they still sell as fast as I can make them

you are the master, thanks for sharing

that's way too clean of a shop......hope you do not finish in there too

Curt Stivison
01-09-2014, 6:13 PM
Very nice looking calls. I make a few turkey calls in the Spring. Good to see calls pictured. Not many have been shown lately.

Jack Mincey
01-09-2014, 6:57 PM
Thanks everyone, the finish is Maylands friction polish and some dark Hut wax. Curt I make pot style turkey calls and an occasional trumpet call as well. I've paid for my lathe several times over by selling my calls. I don't enjoy turning them like bowls but they sell quickly and it is neat when someone calls from anywhere in the US and tell me the story of how they harvested a big tom using one of my calls. Thanks Again, Jack Mincey

James Combs
01-09-2014, 7:01 PM
...the story of how they harvested a big tom using one of my calls. Thanks Again, Jack Mincey
Some great looking calls, may have to look into making some myself, never tried them as yet. BTW how are you marking them to identify them as being from you?

Jack Mincey
01-10-2014, 3:00 PM
James, I burned my initials on the inside of the bell end for the first 4 or 5 years I made them, but don't anymore since I felt it took away from the finished product. My calls are the only one out there that have both the body shape and handmade insert made of cedar, so they can be recognized by that without being signed.