View Full Version : 1st timer - Cherry Burl Bowl with leather and turquoise accents

Drew Henderson
01-09-2014, 9:56 AM
As the title says, this is my first post. I harvested the burl locally and turned a few bowls from it. This Bowl is about 18 1/2" across and a little over 10" tall.
There was a large inclusion that when turned, it left a hole in the side. The other large cracks I used leather to lace them together to give the illusion that the leather was holding it together. For the smaller cracks I crushed up raw turquoise, mixed it with 5min epoxy.
I finished it with a few coats of sanding sealer then lacquer.
Comments and ESPECIALLY criticisms are welcome.

Marc Himes
01-09-2014, 10:08 AM
Welcome to SMC, Drew. You asked for criticisms but it is Hard to find anything to criticize in this one. Beautiful piece. The Turquoise really stands out and the leather adds a uniqueness to the bowl. A winner for sure especially for a piece of this size. Great work!

Jim Burr
01-09-2014, 11:24 AM
Hmmmm....how about a picture of the foot! Only criticism I have!

Thomas Heck
01-09-2014, 3:57 PM
Nice job! No criticisms here.

Brian Kent
01-09-2014, 5:00 PM
Welcome Drew. I love it. So many interesting features. I would love to see it up close and stare at it for a long time.

Rob Boesem
01-09-2014, 5:05 PM
I love it...Period!!!

Michelle Rich
01-09-2014, 5:21 PM
wouldn't know what to criticize..looks wonderful to me

Drew Henderson
01-09-2014, 8:19 PM
Is this what you mean Jim? Thanks for all the compliments! 279497
Hmmmm....how about a picture of the foot! Only criticism I have!

David A. Peterson
01-12-2014, 8:09 AM
Congrats on taking on a lump of wood that large! I have turned a few pieces of Cherry burl and added turquoise, as the color combination just says....."look at me!". You did just fine on this monster! You did not mention how far you took the sanding. Every piece I have done has been sanded to 2000 grit, and the effort is worth it. If you get another chunk, try taking it to 2000. you will be very pleased with the results.

Drew Henderson
01-12-2014, 3:45 PM
Hey David! I like big wood...I think we all do! Usually if I can't do it with a 5/8 Bowl gouge I don't turn it. LOL. Just kidding.
I sanded to 320. I don't usually go any finer than that but maybe I should. My method is usually to sand while still on the lathe, stop the lathe, sand @ a 90 angle to the sanding marks and then increase the grit.
I'm working on a 30" piece now that's off center, I feel like I need a football helmet on! I'll take this one up to 2000! Thanks for the suggestion

Tim Rinehart
01-12-2014, 10:12 PM
Very nice bowl. I like the accents, especially the the leather lace work. Welcome!

Mike Cruz
01-12-2014, 10:22 PM
Drew, as others have said, there isn't much to "criticize". Opinions are a different story... I love the leather lacing, though that makes it a bit less utilitarian because to "washability"...but I still love it. The turquoise is a distraction to me. Just a bit too "look at me". Cherry burl, in my opinion, has enough going on and is spectacular in its own right. The turquoise, again in my opinion, takes away from the fact that there is burl, and makes you (me) pay attention to the fact that cracks are filled. I'd opt for something more subtle.

From the pics, form looks good, sanding and finish look good, too. I have to admit that by the pics in your OP, the form looks more like 5" across than 18". The table you took the pics on must be about 3-4" thick! Looking forward to seeing the monster you're turning.

Don Nicholas
01-13-2014, 12:30 AM
Very nice job on some beautiful stock, to me the leather adds that special touch.

Drew Henderson
01-13-2014, 1:26 AM
The "table" my niece took the pics on is actually an old church pew dated around 1850 or so. Attached is part of the one I'm working on now...I made my dad get in the pic for scale.279747

Mike Cruz
01-13-2014, 8:10 AM
Holy cow! Now, THAT'S a burl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oak, if I am not mistaken, right? I'm taking a wild stab here, but I'm guessing you've got at least a 30" bar to have taken that burl (and that would require cuts from both sides of the burl). That thing looks to be about 6' in diameter at its widest...maybe even more.

phil harold
01-13-2014, 10:58 AM
I like how the turquoise looks
I would think it would be great to get the same ratio of turquoise around the whole bowl as it is in the first picture

so if you can grow a burl evenly...

nice job!