View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
01-06-2014, 9:03 AM
6 Jan 2014

Good Morning Everyone and this is the first post of the new year,

Welcome to 2014 and may this year prove to be a most excellent year for every one of you.!!!!

Woke up this morning to 12 degrees F with a windchill factor of slightly below 0 degrees F. Pretty cold for this part of the country. I know many of you are experiencing much colder temps and much more difficult weather conditions than here and to you my hat is off and I'm wishing the best of all of you. Stay warm and safe out there.!!!!

Made and delivered another cutting board last week and I have been commissioned to make at least 2 more within the next 4 weeks. Seems people are really liking my boards and I like making them.! Almost ran out of firewood for the woodstove and found a guy not too far from me that had wood at a very reasonable price...so my son and I borrowed a buddy's truck and trailer and hauled home just over a cord of wood that is already split and dry. Thank you Mark Cothren for letting me borrow you truck and trailer!!! Greatly appreciated.!!!!

Still working on the LOML Jr's blanket chest and I'm hoping to make more progress on it this week.

That's it for me....what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.!!

Charles Wiggins
01-06-2014, 10:36 AM
Went to the Firewood Party at church on Sat. morning. We have a firewood ministry, and that's what we call it when we meet to cut and split. It was our coldest one ever. We started at 19º at 8:00 AM. It was also the best turn-out and most productive. Most of the time we send out one or two loads when we stop at noon. This time we sent out five loads with our folks and we had four others show up with their own trucks - and we still had more processed wood left on the lot at the end than any other Party we've done.

That afternoon I went to a friend's house to help her cut out some old scraggly bushes and pick up some pecan logs I helped her with last summer.

Yesterday evening I brought a load of firewood into the garage. We've already hit the high for today and we're supposed to hit single digits tomorrow morning, and that's big news around here. Very rare.

Shawn Pixley
01-06-2014, 10:38 AM
I was off for two weeks for the holiday and I'll be working for the next 25 days straight. I finished up a couple of boxes I made from scraps and off-cuts. Then returned the garage to its primary function. Took LOML to a movie. Pretty low key and nice.

Dick Durbin
01-06-2014, 10:40 AM
I finished building two Adirondack chairs to go under the huge live oak tree in the back yard of my daughter's soon to be completed new house. I also cut out the pieces for a wood tool tote to be assembled by her seven year old son. He has decided that he enjoys working with wood and who am I to discourage him?

Brian Tymchak
01-06-2014, 11:06 AM
Got to use all my bigger power tools (except for the BS) this weekend!! :D Milled a big bunch of 2x4 stock down to 1 1/4" thickness to start framing my new MS bench that I've been threatening to build for 2+ years. Going with cheap pine and MDF to keep the costs down and to use up some material that's been laying around the garage for a while. Can't wait to have a proper fence and be able to use a stop with my MS.

Sure created lots of chips - 2+ full yard waste bags. After not having done anything in the shop woodworking related for ~15 months, I was having so much fun running boards thru the planer that I forgot to monitor the DC bag closely enough ...:mad:... that was a mess and 1/2 hr not planned for.

Ken Fitzgerald
01-06-2014, 11:35 AM
No woodworking as we are still visiting in Virginia. Did get in a lot of family time.

Matt Meiser
01-06-2014, 12:08 PM
Friday night grocery shopping to stock up on 52 gallons of milk and a gross of bread for snowmageddon. Good thing as many grocery stores were mobbed Saturday and many literally ran out of milk and bread. Also had to buy a space heater for the garage so I could melt the ice off my wife's car. Enough built up on the inside of her rims that her car was vibrating really bad over about 40MPH. Saturday LOMLjr had a basketball game and we ran out for more propane for the space heater just in case. I did get some shop time Saturday evening and pretty much all day Sunday. Spent way too much of the weekend messing around with my new IBox jig which is really nice, but has a manufacturing defect that keeps it from working right. Finally got that figured out Sunday and was able to make some display shelves for LOMLjr's American Girl dolls. Also got a lot of straightening done in the shop and made a bracket to mount an amber strobe light on the ROPS on my tractor since I've taken to plowing the road since the county won't.

Lee Reep
01-06-2014, 12:37 PM
Since I am semi-retired, I hardly noticed the cold since I've been a hermit over the holidays! But I did go out to find an o-ring for the stopper on a peppermill I finished for my wife over New Years (picture below). She hardly gets any of my wood creations, and this Christmas present to her was a bit late.

This weekend I did a little more work on my shop remodeling, and some more glue-ups for peppermills and tool handles. I buy lathe tools unhandled and make my own handles. I've not done any bowls, so I bought a bowl gouge last month.


Rod Sheridan
01-06-2014, 1:17 PM
You're really getting walloped by the weather Matt...............Stay safe, Regards, Rod.

Rod Sheridan
01-06-2014, 1:19 PM
This weekend I started running ash through the jointer with the stock feeder, prior to making flooring.

Nothing to see there.

I did however complete this hall table over the Christmas period.


Regards, Rod.

Matt Meiser
01-06-2014, 1:31 PM
You're really getting walloped by the weather Matt...............Stay safe, Regards, Rod.

Yep. We've been in this house 10 years and its never been this bad here. Unless you are in a 4WD truck our road is impassible and reports are that's true of most roads in our county, or worse. One spot on our road my tractor was starting to get stuck. There's reports of numerous abandoned cars blocking roads. And 8 miles away in NW Ohio, its illegal to be out at all except for emergencies.

Rod Sheridan
01-06-2014, 1:47 PM
Wow, I did hear that Indianapolis had prohibited driving except for emergencies.

It's bad when the tractor gets stuck, did that a few years ago at Diann's parents ploughing the lane to the barn.......Regards, Rod.

Will Plummer
01-06-2014, 1:54 PM
Very nice table Rod. I'm looking to build something for my entryway in the spring. How did you attach the granite to the base?

Rod Sheridan
01-06-2014, 2:04 PM
Very nice table Rod. I'm looking to build something for my entryway in the spring. How did you attach the granite to the base?

Thanks Will, the granite has metal brackets glued with epoxy to the slab, then attached to the aprons with screws.

Regards, Rod.

Matt Meiser
01-06-2014, 2:32 PM
You can also just silicone a counter top in place. I did a couple small cabinets and just added cross pieces inside the top and used big globs of silicone caulk per the counter company's recommendation. Set the counter in place and push it into the silicone, center, and let it cure.

Larry Frank
01-06-2014, 7:57 PM
I got to spend some time in my shop and have been working on small things. I am still recovering from extensive hand surgery late last fall and my hand is still stiff and sore at times but improving.

It was cold in NW Indiana today with a state of emergency declared to stay off the roads and the main interstates closed most of the day. Interstate 80/94 is open but very dangerous and I-65 is closed.

It is not the coldest that I have seem but it is very cold at -14°F. I forget which year but we actually had a -25°F with high winds one year. I know that is not too bad compared with the northern Michigan and Wisconsin but colder that I can take.

My son in Florida was complaining today that it could get down to freezing....I told him I would shed a tear.