View Full Version : Great Historical Logging Scenes

mike ash
01-05-2014, 7:57 PM
Some great history here!


Mike Ash

charlie knighton
01-05-2014, 8:16 PM
Mike Cruz has been busy, thanks for the link Mike Ash

iron men and wooden ships.....comes to mind.........just to attemp to cut a tree down with an axe wears me out, much less one of those beauties

Rick Markham
01-05-2014, 8:23 PM
Wow!!! He is even narrating it! :D

Roger Chandler
01-05-2014, 8:48 PM
I think Mike is both getting credit and getting blamed for things he had nothing to do with! :eek:;):D

Mike Cruz
01-05-2014, 11:25 PM
Mr. Ash seems to have it out for me lately!

I think Roger said it well. Not sure I deserve either...:D

Since you brought it up, in case you didn't see it earlier (I think I posted this before, not sure), here's a 27.5" flaming box elder roughout. It has been AnchorSealed and is drying...


I've got an ambrosia maple pretty much the same size...roughed out and drying.

mike ash
01-05-2014, 11:36 PM
Mike - that is one BEAUTIFUL piece of wood. Sorry if it appears that you are being picked on, you were just on my mind lately as I started cutting into another piece of Ambrosia that I got from you last year. Now, I am wondering how I can get some of that flaming box elder!

That bowl of yours deserves it's own thread!!!

Mike Ash

Mike Cruz
01-06-2014, 7:58 AM
Oh, I know you aren't "picking" on me. Just bullying... :D I'm kidding, of course. No worries. You certainly got my attention! ;)

Thought I already started a thread on it. I'll check. If I didn't, maybe I'll post a thread.

Michael Poorman
01-06-2014, 9:47 AM

Nice bowl! I'm itching to turn some box elder, that stuff is just beautiful.

Mike Cruz
01-06-2014, 9:59 AM
Hey, just in case anyone is wondering, I'm no offended at all by this (or the other thread Mike started) thread. I actually found it funny. Carry on...

Thanks, Michael. Yeah BE turns nicely. But the flames do eventually fade away...

robert baccus
01-06-2014, 11:12 PM
Hey, not offended. That is pretty wood yeah. I grew up in the cypress swamps. The stumps and canals are still there. Back home we had tidewater cypress--much larger and a rare site for cypress., Stumps you can park car on are left and a few lost logs.