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View Full Version : Should it stay or should it go

Victor Robinson
01-03-2014, 3:24 PM
I'm going to be the proud owner of a G0453 planer with Byrd head very shortly (the Byrd head is here), going to order the planer to arrive during my next work vacation in Feb.

Up to this point I've had a DW735 that has performed admirably, just too loud to use in my current shop/living situation. I was avoiding using it because of how much noise it generates and it was ticking off the neighbors, so I was reduced to only using it when they left the house (and they are fairly elderly on both sides so don't leave their houses much).

Hemming and hawing on whether to sell it or just keep it around. I have countless projects at my parents' house, and perhaps it would come in handy there...it's a pretty sweet portable machine that I got an amazing deal on.

On the other hand, getting a few hundred bucks towards the new planer would sure help appease the better half.

:confused: Just thinking aloud...

Rob Feldner
01-03-2014, 3:29 PM
If space isn't an issue, hold onto it for reclaimed/questionable lumber. Even doing an initial rough pass with rough lumber in the Dewalt could clear off debris that would nick your knives up.

Keith Hankins
01-03-2014, 4:52 PM
I'd hold it. Second don't be so sure the new will be any quieter. I have a makita 1210 and got a big northfield 18" planer to replace it. It's a monster. I thought about selling the little one, but I've had it for over 20 years. The big one, can take a 1/4" in a pass but I still get that little one out on ocasion when It's tough wood and I want that last silk pass. My vote keep it! use it as a weight to hold your bench down :)

Scott Brihn
01-03-2014, 5:19 PM
Sell it and use the money to appease the better half. I owned a DW735 for almost 10 years. It performed well but like you I found it simply too loud for my situation. I replaced mine with a J/P combo with a carbide insert head and couldn't imagine a need for the 735.

Peter Quinn
01-03-2014, 7:40 PM
I was in a similar position.....delta floor planer with byrd head replaced a dewalt 735 in the corner, very low miles on it. I was keeping it as a back up, or to take to job sites, or to hold my drawings down in the shop in the event of a tornado. I tripped over if for about 4 years, the delta was so much better and quieter I found ways to never need a planer at a job site, and never considered using the dewalt again. Its a good machine in its weight class, but one day I realized it had been years since I'd turned it on, but I had moved it about once a month.....so bye bye it went to a good home. My suggestion is to hold on to it a bit if space and budget allow, and see if you actually need it. I'm sure you're aware its no joy to carry around, almost better off selling it and buying a lunch box portable that you can actually carry if moving it often. But it would be great to place somewhere you need it if that actually happens. For me it didn't .

Jim Andrew
01-03-2014, 7:44 PM
I had a delta 12 1/2" when I got a real planer, and the delta sat on a shelf near 10 years. This year a buddy needed a planer and I gave it to him. I purchased a new 453px last year on the Christmas sale, and if yours works like mine, you will not ever use the lunchbox planer again.

Myk Rian
01-03-2014, 9:01 PM
Cheaper to replace the DeWalt head with a Byrd.
Heck of a lot quieter too.

Stephen Cherry
01-03-2014, 9:44 PM
Dump it- if it ticks off the old folks, it's just not worth the potential hassle.

Jaromir Svoboda
01-03-2014, 10:04 PM
Sold it.I still have mine Craftsman planer for 3 years now and never used it since I bought Powermatic planer.

William C Rogers
01-04-2014, 4:43 AM
I bought a used J/P 14 inch combo, but kept my 735. I did sell my 6 inch jointer. I use the combo when I have a lot of wood I join and plane. Much faster in the planning mode than the 735. The combo is actually quieter and neither have a Byrd head. Occasionally I need to have a piece of wood less than what I already have planed and will use the 735 for that. Mainly because the combo is much more trouble to set up for just one board. Luxury, yes and could get by without it. I think it will depend on how well your new planer works or ease of set up. If I didn't use it at all I would probably sell it, but hate to sell any tool that works well (just in case needed). I never plan on funds from the tool I am potentially replacing to fund the new tool, so it basically cost me nothing to keep it. I will continue to indulge with the 735.