View Full Version : Recap of 2013 and thoughts for 2014

Shawn Pixley
01-03-2014, 12:09 PM
I was musing about what I had accomplished in 2013. As I itemized the projects, I realized I was a lot more prolific than I first thought.

In 2013 I completed:

A Guitar Storage / Display Cabinet
A Sushi / Sake Box
A small gift box for the owners of the local Woodcraft
An acoustic guitar
A new entry walk-off mat
A new entry bench
A couple of boxes to use up scrap


For 2014 I plan to build a Jewelry cabinet for LOML. What do you want to build in 2014?

Matt Meiser
01-03-2014, 12:45 PM
2013 started of slow...real slow as I had just finished 2012's kitchen project and my next project was supposed to be cabinetry for my parents. They kept delaying the start for that until spring and by then I got caught up in a never ending cycle of yard work due to a wet summer. I finally did their cabinetry project this fall and then did a bunch of cabinetry for my shop. I finished up with some simple painted benches for school.

2014 I have a list going:
- American Girl Doll display shelves for LOMLjr Might do those today and tomorrow now that I've figured out how to work around the issues my I-Box apparently has.
- Some kind of project for the school auction. Narrowed it down to something wine-related--maybe a presentation box, a wine glass holder, and a turned stopper. We'll donate some wine to go with that.
- A hall cabinet for my parents. Have a rough idea what we are doing, just need to finalize it.
- Maybe some new end tables. We've had a set of mis-matched tables I made for different rooms in the old house since we moved here...ten years ago!