View Full Version : Face shield: Bionix vs CSUSA bubble shield

Eric Gourieux
12-28-2013, 12:02 AM
I'm looking to purchase a new face shield for general lathe use. I have a Trend Airshield Pro and use it when sanding or turning punky wood, etc. I currently use a lighter face shield for general protection when not turning something that produces so much dust and need to replace it. I've read plenty of positive reviews on the Bionix face shield but was wondering if anybody is using the bubble face shield from CSUSA.


Any input would be appreciated.

Mike Cruz
12-28-2013, 6:52 AM
Eric, I have and like the bionic faceshield. Actually, I have two of them. If you are going that route, shop around for them, their prices vary greatly.

Because of recent discussions about faceshields really protecting only against shavings and such, not larger chunks, I think this other faceshield has some merits. The plastic not only looks thicker, but the shape looks like it ought to defect pieces as well. I don't own one, but at $45, I think it would be worth it to try it. If you do get it, please give us your review. I'd be interested in knowing how the vision is through it (distortion if any), and what you think about how heavy the plastic is.

John Coloccia
12-28-2013, 7:56 AM
Where's that discussion? I had a small bowl come apart on me....my first bowl, actually....and large pieces smashed into my face shield with no drama except a little embarrassment. I'm sure there's some practical limit as to what it can protect you against, but it's more than just shavings.

Anyhow, both of these guys are Z87 impact resistance rated. One of the tests is they have to survive is they get shot with a 1/4" steel ball at 100MPH. These visors can take quite a bit of punishment, even though they look kind of cheap and flimsy.

Bob Bergstrom
12-28-2013, 8:24 AM
I have the Bionic. Both these units look good. They appear long enough to cover the throat area. Some shields are short. I like to close the shield so chips don't travel up and under the lower lip of the shield. My Bionic stopped a big hunk of hard maple one day. Knocked the face shield out of the frame but didn't break. I don't know if there would be any problems with distortion in the shape of the Craft Supply one (bubble shape).

Mike Cruz
12-28-2013, 10:03 AM
John, I was just looking for the thread but can't find it. Not sure if it was a thread specifically about faceshields or if it just morphed into one. The discussion went from "I like the Bionic" to "Nothing short of a Riot Helmet will do!!!!!!" Stats were spewn about regarding ft/lbs or was it lb/ft (yeah, I think that discussion happened, too) of energy of a 1 oz projectile at X velocity from a blank spinning at X RPM. It was one of "those" threads...

Eric Gourieux
12-28-2013, 10:32 AM
Mike, thanks for the reply. I think I'll try the bubble and give a review. I have also seen the prices of the Bionic and it seems that the price variation is based on whether you purchase the regular shield or the no-fog version. There is a $20 swing between these two.

John, it took some searching, but here is the link to the lengthy discussion:
Another serious injury at the lathe (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?204116-Another-serious-injury-at-the-lathe/page2)

Mike Cruz
12-28-2013, 11:03 AM
Good job finding that, Eric! Oh, right, this was the "line of fire" thread...or it lead to it.

Interesting that both of these two shields have the same "rating". I wonder if that is a minimum government rating. Meaning, the bubble one looks much thinker and like it would/could sustain a much bigger "hit", but they both passed the same test and maybe the bubble could have passed a heavier duty test.

One difference is that the bionic shields are quite easy (and fairly inexpensive) to replace. I wonder about the easy/expense of changing it out on the bubble...

John Coloccia
12-28-2013, 11:22 AM
It was one of "those" threads...

I just read through the link that Eric posted (thanks!). I see what you mean.

Michael Mills
12-28-2013, 11:35 AM
If both of these are rated Z87.1 then they should be about the same.
On Amazon you can/could get the Bionic either Z87.1 or Z87.1+
Big difference IMHO.
You can scroll down about halfway to
Criteria Faceshield requirements
With the + it must meet the High Impact and High Velocity test.
Without the + it must only meet the Drop Ball test.

Don A. Davis
12-28-2013, 12:25 PM
Eric...I have used the "bubble for several years. I like it a lot. It sits away from my face (I wear glasses), no fog, comfortable, easy to clean and has a "substantial " feel. Haven't used any other brands so can't compare.

Bill White
12-28-2013, 2:01 PM
Well while on the subject, what about the UVEX Bionic?

Mike Cruz
12-28-2013, 2:30 PM
Bill, I believe that is one of the options he is considering...he just wrote it as Bionix (unless that is yet a different model).

Jeffrey J Smith
12-28-2013, 3:21 PM
I've got both the bubble and the bionic shields - for me, I use the bionic much more - can't remember the last time I used the bubble. Here's my take on both:
The bubble is quite a bit thicker and more substantial feeling than the bionic, but I've found that it tends to fog pretty fast. Seems like I spend a lot of time cleaning the inside surface to keep it clear. The shape does not distort, glasses are accommodated easily. It seems like a good product, but it winds up being used mostly by my granddaughter when she's watching.
The Uvex Bionic is my go-to shield. It is light, comfortable, has never fogged up and has stopped anything that has come its way so far. Every now and then, I forget I've got it on. For me, that speaks volumes.
I think they're both good protection, but the Bionic gets my vote for 'usability' alone. Still use the Trend AirShield Pro whenever sanding or the work gets dusty...

Mike Cruz
12-28-2013, 6:15 PM
Thanks, Jeffrey. Good to hear from someone that has both. My Bionic has never fogged up on me. If it did, I'm sure I'd be grunting about it...

Michael Mahan
12-28-2013, 7:32 PM
If both of these are rated Z87.1 then they should be about the same.
On Amazon you can/could get the Bionic either Z87.1 or Z87.1+
Big difference IMHO.
You can scroll down about halfway to
Criteria Faceshield requirements
With the + it must meet the High Impact and High Velocity test.
Without the + it must only meet the Drop Ball test. I've been hit in the face before while grinding & it was not fun
is this the Z87.1+ ?? http://www.amazon.com/Uvex-S8510-Polycarbonate-Anti-Fog-Hardcoat/dp/B001VY3ACE/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hi_1#productDetail


John King
12-29-2013, 3:25 PM
Some good information on this subject can be found in "Are You Wearing the Right Faceshield?" by Andrew Chen, American Woodturner, April 2013, vol 28, no 2.

I have a Uvex Bionic faceshield. It's okay. But I put it on she shelf in favor of the 3M Ratched Faceshield Assembly (http://www.grainger.com/product/3M-Ratchet-Faceshield-Assembly-2ELZ3?s_pp=false). The 3m clear polycarbonate faceshield is twice as thick as the Uvex Bionic faceshield (0.08 mm 3M vs 0.04 Uvex); therefore, provides more protection against flying objects. I believe the 3M Tuffmaster Faceshield available from Craft Supplies USA (http://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/5/-/20/89/-/6029/3M-Tuffmaster-Faceshield) is the same as the 3M Ratched Faceshield Assembly from Grainger. Don't know anything about the Bubble Visor available from Craft Supplies USA. - John

Bill White
12-29-2013, 4:19 PM
Thanks Mike.
I just got the Uvex 8500 and it sure is comfortable. It did not have a coated lens, but I'll get one soon.

Arlin Eastman
12-29-2013, 4:20 PM
I also have the Bionix face shied and I would rather have the bubble one. It has more room in front and still blocks shavings.


Rick Hutcheson
12-29-2013, 4:33 PM
I have used the bubble one for about 5 years now. Like it a lot. Have not had the fogging problem with it that some have mentioned. It has stopped some good size pieces over the years. Biggest one the size of a hot dog bun at about 1100rpm. Hit the shield about at my right eye area, bounced off and hit my chest, left a bruise for about a week there, but the shield only had a small scuff on it. I am a believer that it works.