View Full Version : Great when someone recognizes your efforts

Keith Hankins
12-22-2013, 9:04 AM
Was stressing to get a project done. My last project which is two pieces, a wine cabinet and standing cabinet, was running 3 months overdue. Unfortunately I don't do this as a primary living so when work slammed me this year, It took me much longer to complete and finished Friday night.

I ran a photo blog with regular progress photos so he could see it progressing. He liked that. Well the client picked it up yesterday and after helping load it in his big econoline van, he paid me the remaining balance plus a 300 buck tip. I was blown away. I was anticipating hearing about the delay and instead he loved both pieces and said to consider it a retainer. What a blast. I made enough off the two pieces to buy that new sawstop. I truly wish I could do this full time. I know not every client will be like this but it's still a nice surprise. Everybody have a great Christmas. Santa visited me early !

Todd Burch
12-22-2013, 9:22 AM
Congratulations Keith! That is very nice feedback!! Sounds like you got a good client there.


Steve Rozmiarek
12-22-2013, 12:59 PM
Keith, sounds like you are good at keeping your customers informed, you deserve the tip. I'm going to steal the photo blog idea for my non local landlords, hope you don't mind! :)

Yonak Hawkins
12-22-2013, 2:38 PM
That's a great holiday story, Keith. Congratulations on getting the cabinets to the client before Christmas and congratulations on the good customer.