View Full Version : CA glue accelerator

Eric Gourieux
12-21-2013, 11:47 PM
I've been applying a CA glue finish to some pens for Christmas and have used NCF accelerator for pens in the past, applying a quick spray between coats. However, I recently purchased some Stick Fast Accelerator instead and see a big difference in performance. The NCF did a good job "curing" the CA but allowed me to apply the subsequent coat without any problems. The Stick Fast also cures the CA but also cures the subsequent coat too quickly - almost sticking the paper towel to the pen. Has anybody noticed a difference between the two accelerators?

Bruce Pratt
12-23-2013, 12:32 AM
Try waiting a little longer between coats, or applying a bit less of the StickFast accelerator. It sounds like the active ingredient(s?) may be a bit higher in the Stick Fast than in NCF (the MSDS's are no help in this matter).

Brian Brown
12-23-2013, 8:09 AM
I find the same problem with NCF when the shop is too cool. NCF says the accelerator remains active for at least a minute after applying. Try wiping the pen body with a clean rag after the the current layer has finished curing, to remove the last traces of the accelerator before applying the next layer. Don't be in too much of a hurry, The accelerator cures the finish on the surface, but not below. It will speed the process for the lower portion of the layer, but it still takes time for the lower portion to cure. CA shrinks slightly when it cures, and if you put a layer or 2 over a layer that is still shrinking, it can cause a crackalure or spider webbing look in your finish. Very irritating, and difficult to repair.

Bob Bergstrom
12-23-2013, 12:46 PM
My Woodcraft manager told me the differance between Titebond and Stickfast was the curing time of Stickfast was slower and better for gluing tubes into the blanks. So I would imagine there are suttle differences between all the CA glues.

Jim Underwood
12-23-2013, 1:24 PM
Keep in mind that Stickfast also makes a CA glue system specifically for finishing. It consists of several viscosities and an accelerator.

Lee Reep
12-23-2013, 2:16 PM

You might also want to wipe down the blank with denatured alcohol after the accelerator has cured. While I've only used Zap brand of aerosol accelerator (from my local hobby store), I've had great success with building up layers of CA when cleaning the blank after each application of accelerator.

Richard Coers
12-23-2013, 6:44 PM
There have been several posts on pen sites about cracking of CA finishes. No definitive answer yet, but some are saying that accelerator is doing it, some think it's old CA. Some turners have stopped using accelerator all together, so go easy with it.

Jim Underwood
12-23-2013, 8:18 PM
My experience with the crackled CA finish was because of old glue. Using accelerator may have made the problem worse.

Last night I think I found the solution to all my ca glue woes. Put a coat on then walk away and do some other project. Come back ten, twenty, thirty minutes later and apply another. By the time you get done with the other project you have enough layers on to have a decent finish on the pen. Some light sanding then the TripleEEE wax polish makes a nice glossy finish. What's even better about this is you're not standing over those CA glue fumes thinking you should blast it with some accelerator.


Lee Koepke
12-24-2013, 9:58 AM
There have been several posts on pen sites about cracking of CA finishes. No definitive answer yet, but some are saying that accelerator is doing it, some think it's old CA. Some turners have stopped using accelerator all together, so go easy with it.

There was also an issue with StickFast accelerator batch that was 'too hot'. Combine that with some older CA I have 8 or 10 items that need to be refinished. I THINK I got all of the spiderweb ones off the shelf before people bought it. So far the new batch I got hasnt had that issue.

Eric Gourieux
12-24-2013, 10:37 PM
Thanks for all of the replies. There is some subtle difference in the two accelerators, at least in my experience. In my hands, the NCF works best for CA coating for pens. I store my CA glue in the freezer until ready to use. I'm not sure if that keeps it more fresh, but I read that on a forum a while back. Make sense to me.

Rob Price
12-24-2013, 10:53 PM
I've had good luck putting on a coat, letting it spin for 30 sec or so, and then a very light dusting of accelerator from about two feet away. I use a pump style bottle instead of aerosol, helps me keep from using too much. I've had very good results. Can't remember the brand iPod accelerator. Bought it on Amazon.