View Full Version : Clever Sawtable System

12-20-2013, 7:45 PM
Just saw the neatest shopmade saw table system on a Craigslist ad. A benchtop unit nests in the corner, it also has a router table built in, and storage bays for in- process work, but the really ingenious thing the guy did was to make the legs folding, and to roll the thing about on it’s side with casters, taking up only a fraction of floor space for storage yet quickly drops down, ready for use with a rather generous work surface. Ad states it belonged to a professional carpenter, and the build details tend to confirm that; note the back taper cut on the legs, ensures minimal contact with the floor yet distributes the weight at the maximum extremes, just as found in fine furniture. Only putting it up here because this may be of interest to those who are space- challenged but don’t want to compromise functionality and multi- use potential.

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Paul Stoops
12-21-2013, 12:24 PM
Very clever design. However, I am surprised that he didn't put the casters on the other side so that the weight of the saw would be on the bottom. However, he would have to provide some sort of framing on the side of the saw for the casters. It does look a little top heavy. Great idea, tho.
