View Full Version : Some of my Knives

Tim Balda
12-17-2013, 10:53 PM
Some Carving knives I put together.
Blades are O1 with a true distal grind, single bevel and mirror finish.
The blades were made by a friend of mine here in Ohio
Handles are India Sambar Stag, dyed/stabilized maple spacer and musk ox boss caps.
Two chip carving knives and some general carvers.

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/ODRBNDQyMUNGQjNEQ0U4MzgyMjM6ZjRmNzBlMDdiNzEyYTQ0OT JmMDAzNzIwODA0MTA5OTE=?uid=885933a6-139f-432b-9091-e5beb7fe4cd3

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/ODRBNDQyMUNGQjNEQ0U4MzgyMjM6MzU4OThiZGVjOWFiZjE5OD E5OTk2YTUxMDMzODk4M2I=?uid=be33ce90-8897-4d00-9532-c63a6ff50faf

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/ODRBNDQyMUNGQjNEQ0U4MzgyMjM6MWIyNjkzMTFhN2NiN2Q5ZT FkMjBlNGMwMDQ2YzUzMWM=?uid=923a28b1-da3d-4df5-aeee-925959922aef

This next batch is made with 1095 blades with a distal grind and thick back spine, single bevel and mirror finish.
Also India Sambar Stag handles with ancient woolly mammoth blue bark end caps.
The mammoth material is at least 10,000 years old and is from Siberia.


I get a chance to put my own tools together from time to time.
Just lucky I guess.

Be good to yourselves.