View Full Version : When I miss out, I miss out big...

Mike Cruz
12-16-2013, 9:26 AM
Guy on CL was giving away, yes GIVING away, a 30"+ burl. It weighed 300-400 lbs. I was 2nd in line to get it. But, of course, 1st guy in line actually showed up to pick it up. DRAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave Fritz
12-16-2013, 9:32 AM
On the bright side, you probably saved yourself a back ache. ;)

Dave F.

Joseph M Lary
12-16-2013, 3:41 PM
And all the stress of figuring out what to turn out of it!:confused:

Mike Cruz
12-16-2013, 5:21 PM
Dave, that is why them make lifts...which I would have brought with me.

Joseph, I already had the turnings all planned out... :(

John Keeton
12-16-2013, 5:42 PM
Mike, I am reasonably certain it was rotten inside. Does that make you feel better??😉

Mike Cruz
12-16-2013, 6:51 PM
Or filled with golden treasure...one of the two. ;) Yeah, John, I've been trying to tell myself that all day. Though it really hasn't been working...

Bob Bergstrom
12-16-2013, 7:27 PM
Hope the guy doesn't post it and how he beat another turner to it. That would really hurt!

charlie knighton
12-16-2013, 9:33 PM
what kind of burl was it, maple????oak??????not cherry?????

Mike Cruz
12-16-2013, 10:05 PM
I wouldn't be all too surprised if the other guy isn't rolling on the floor laughing at me right now...

Not quite sure, but it kinda looked like maple in the fuzzy pic.

Pat Scott
12-17-2013, 9:04 AM
What would really hurt is if the first guy just wanted it for firewood!

Mike Cruz
12-17-2013, 9:26 AM
Charlie, just found out that it was maple. Apparently, it had been growing on the tree outside the guys front yard for the last 33 years...:(

Bill Bukovec
12-17-2013, 12:26 PM
I think firewood (in this case) would be one of those "F Words" I've heard about.:D

Leo Van Der Loo
12-17-2013, 12:53 PM
Mike there is lots of wood, some you want, some you don't want,........... is that possible :confused:

Anyway it's only wood, grows on trees, yup ON trees, well it wasn't me that got that big beautiful Maple burl, I would be very happy with it :p, does it hurt yet :D

Next one will be yours ............ maybe............. if you are quick enough or lucky enough ;) 277328.

Happy turning, that plain non burl wood.

Mike Cruz
12-17-2013, 1:32 PM
You know me, Leo...I don't turn plain wood. Too much pretty stuff to mess with it.

Funny you mention that, though. I'm constantly turning stuff that is right on the edge of not good anymore (but is wildly spalted and I just can't toss it), or has voids, or whatever. I was turning a piece the other day that was solid with no punk or voids. Man was that a joy!

Leo Van Der Loo
12-17-2013, 3:14 PM
You know Mike I HAD to pull your leg some :D, sorry, I turn any wood really, but yes nice spalted quilted Maple or similar is preferred, still any Ash Oak Maple Acacia Walnut Elm etc etc I will not shy away from and happily offer to the turning God, hope you have better luck next time though, take care :)

Mike Cruz
12-17-2013, 4:50 PM
Hey, Leo. I go to Newboro, Ontario for a fishing trip each year. On the grounds, between two of their cabins, is a quite large shag bark hickory...standing dead...just died. Last time I was there, I asked if I could have some to take home with me to turn. I was planning on turning them a nice bowl to remember the tree by...maybe for the lobby. But I hear there is a zero tolerance law for transporting wood over the border now. Shame. Looks like the only way I'd be able to turn them something is to bring my midi lathe with me and turn something green to finish while there. Or, I suppose I could turn a bunch of roughouts while there, and bring those home. That wouldn't be transporting raw wood. I think they don't want any bark or thick blocks that insects could be in...

Leo Van Der Loo
12-17-2013, 9:58 PM
Mike I'm not sure of this, but a clean piece of wood with no bark and no bug holes will probably let into the country, and do call it a turning blank if anything.

Then again why bother, there is Shagbark Hickory in the US, oh and those trees at the border do keep sending bugs across the border, they should be arrested :rolleyes:

Mike Cruz
12-18-2013, 7:29 AM
Yeah, I know I could get shagbark here in the US, but it is from the place I've been going for over 20 years...

I'll do a little more research into whether I could bring the any wood back over the border.

And no, the border trees don't transfer any bugs. They've all been "cleaned". :D