View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments

Dennis Peacock
12-16-2013, 8:57 AM
16 Dec 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
I hope this finds each of you well, warm, and well fed. I've been working a lot for the day job and I'm still glad and very thankful for my job. I go oncall today and the wife is still at her mother's taking care of her due to back surgery since Thanksgiving. Me and my 2 youngest boys have been doing work, school work, work around the house, and spending time together in the evenings as best we can. Just sharing life together. I love my family and I miss my wife dearly. I hope to be able to see her next week.

I've been teaching a few people how to make their own cutting boards in my shop and the way the weather has been lately, it's been perfect weather for working inside the shop. I've really been enjoying teaching others as well as making some for family and friends. Here's one of them that I made with a buddy of mine who wanted to make one for himself.

Well, that's it for me....so what did YOU do this past weekend?
Best of weeks to you all.!!

Shawn Pixley
12-16-2013, 10:36 AM
Saturday was a travel day from a business trip. Sunday was arranging to buy a new refrigerator to replace the one that the freezer went out just before I left. Fun! (Heavy dose of sarcasm)

Gordon Eyre
12-16-2013, 12:06 PM
Nice cutting board Dennis. Hope your wife returns soon. I have a bad cold so this has kept me out of my shop for the last few days

Matt Meiser
12-16-2013, 12:53 PM
Wife and I took vacation days on Friday so we left Thursday afternoon for a weekend in Toronto. Got back home Sunday afternoon after a drive that at times was pretty treacherous and spentr a few hours plowing out the driveway and the road down to the corner as the county didn't get to it this morning since they were still trying to keep the main roads clear. Not sure I'll get any shop time for the rest of the year as we've got family coming in Saturday though Christmas, have to work a few days in between, plus the wife's family Christmas and a New Years party.

We did receive the legs for my next project for my parents so maybe I'll get some design time in on that.