View Full Version : Scoops this weekend.

Jeff Rich
12-15-2013, 2:05 PM
Here are 2 scoops I made this weekend on the new Nova DVR2024 lathe.
Yes you can use them for the raisins....but I would bet they are not much good for all the snow.....
One is Maple, the other cherry about 2.5- 3" diameter.277183

Steve Schlumpf
12-15-2013, 5:22 PM
Jeff - you did good! Scoops are one of those little projects that can quickly become addicting! Just a warning to anyone considering turning some of these!!

Thomas Canfield
12-15-2013, 10:08 PM

Nice looking scoops. They don't look like they were much of a test for the new DVR2024. Where is the 20" bowl?

Paul Engle
12-16-2013, 11:02 AM
Nice work Jeff , but a 20" scoop ...... now that would be addicting .... :eek:

Jeff Rich
12-18-2013, 8:16 PM
Well, I have to find some good fresh wood big enough to test it out.
I did a 13" bowl core the weekend before.
The core turned out nice and the Nova never slowed down!
I need to work on my finish scraping to get the inside of the scoops a bit more smooth and also to get an even thickness on the outside....
That means more skew practice.