View Full Version : Need help identifying what species of wood this is

danny sammons
12-15-2013, 1:45 AM
Hi all I am new to the forum. I hade been searching for a new hobby. I took shop class in vocational school and for got how much I like wood working. I plane a rough cut plank and I have no idea what species of hardwood it is can someone help

Malcolm Schweizer
12-15-2013, 2:29 AM
That looks like claro walnut to me. Very beautiful piece of wood there.

danny sammons
12-15-2013, 10:16 AM
Thank you Malcolm. I have just started my adventure in woodworking. I have about 50 bdft
of this and I hade no idea what it was

Bill White
12-15-2013, 11:19 AM
Work VERY carefully on that beautiful wood my friend. Any mistake and we'll come after you. :)

Myk Rian
12-15-2013, 11:55 AM
I see a table. Something like this redwood burl I'm working on.


Ron Kellison
12-15-2013, 12:49 PM
I have no idea what species of wood that is but it doesn't matter! If it was in my shop it would probably be resawn and turned into bookmatched panels for cabinet doors. That wood is too good to be used all at once!

danny sammons
12-15-2013, 3:22 PM
thanks for the replies. Like I said earlier I am as green to wood working as a tree still standing. Need some ideas for that wood. Thought about making my kitchen cabinets with it. I sorted my wood today and have 120 pieces of it. It is sawn 1x6x10' 2". My flooring is hickory. will it look ok need advice

Ron Kellison
12-15-2013, 3:54 PM
Where are you located? That's a lot of wood and I'm sure you're cramped for space. I would be happy to help you out by storing some until you need it!



danny sammons
12-15-2013, 4:13 PM
For sure Ron I bought this wood by accident it was suppose to be hickory I paid $150 for about 2000 bd ft of lumber. To make my flooring. I planned a piece because it was black I told my dad my wood hade molded I am glad I now know what it is. We where going to make firewood out of it.
Man this hard typing on a iphone

Matt Day
12-15-2013, 5:24 PM
Use Siri! It's a lot easier than the iPad IMO!

that might be the score of a lifetime, accidental though it may be. 2000 bdft for $150!!!

Alan Lightstone
12-15-2013, 5:25 PM
I have no idea what species of wood that is but it doesn't matter! If it was in my shop it would probably be resawn and turned into bookmatched panels for cabinet doors. That wood is too good to be used all at once!

I couldn't agree more. I was also thinking Claro Walnut, but I'm no expert. It certainly doesn't look like Hickory.

Andrew Hughes
12-15-2013, 9:34 PM
Doesn't look like Claro Walnut to me,But I have seen every tree on earth yet.Who knows.
My guess is Tiger wood or it's also called Goncalo Alves.Some trees must have come up from South America,I saw some last month at the wood keeper.Andrew

Jim Leslie
12-16-2013, 1:07 AM
Hard to tell from the picture and not saying it is but I have some Bocote that looks almost exactly like that. Have a look at hobbithouseinc.com. There are some photos there of Bocote (and everything else!). You may be able to match it up. Also the endgrain is a good way to identify woods. That site has endgrain photos as well...

Elijah Fontenot
12-16-2013, 2:37 AM
My guess is for wood that cheap it has to be Maple. I've had some wild looking, dark, striped heartwood from some maple before that was STUNNING! An endgrain pic would be nice and also if we could see if the pores of the wood are open or closed like maple is.

danny sammons
12-16-2013, 10:19 AM
Elijah when I get back home Friday I will take some pics of the end grain and post them. I purchased a ridgid 6 1/8" jointer.
Is ridgid a reliable brand of jointer?

Elijah Fontenot
12-16-2013, 9:29 PM
A Ridgid jointer is what I started off with and made many projects from. Lots of people have started with that same jointer and upgraded in time to an 8" jointer. Thats what I did. You can't go wrong with the Ridgid 6" jointer and like with any tool, keep the blades sharp and the tool in good alignment and you'll have no issues with it.