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View Full Version : Lube bearings

Jan Mrovec
12-14-2013, 4:45 PM
I have some problems with engraving (GCC - Mercury)
and would like greased bearings and axis X

what lubricant used on bearings and axis X?

Distributor of bearings recommended me:


thanks for the advice

Hannu Rinne
12-14-2013, 5:06 PM
Hi Jan,

This is what my GCC Spirit manual says (I use PS2 grease)

"In order to keep the motion system running smoothly, the X / Y rails of the motion system will need lubrication on a semi-regular basis. Use a small amount of light grade machine oil or PS2 grease to a paper or cotton towel and apply to the rails. You can purchase PS2 grease from NSK dealers worldwide"


Mark Sipes
12-14-2013, 6:27 PM
link to subject:


George M. Perzel
12-14-2013, 7:59 PM
I use white lithium grease- also calms me down.
Best Regards,

Jan Mrovec
12-15-2013, 6:16 AM

Thanks for the reply. I buy lithium grease.
This is but for axis X. I still need to grease the ball bearings
and pulleys. It also lithium grease?


Hannu Rinne
12-15-2013, 2:08 PM
It will be better idea to change the bearings to new than regrease those. The bearings are totally closed and those are not meant to grease again.


Jan Mrovec
01-08-2014, 4:45 PM

I can not find a seller "lithium PS2" in ČR.
In the store, I found this:


It can be used?


Martin Safranek
01-08-2014, 8:21 PM
Hi Jan,

I have laserpro too and my tech. support told that silicon oil can be used for lublication. By the way form where do you have machine? Studénka or Brno?



Martin Safranek
01-10-2014, 3:16 PM

contact to CZ NSK distributor is below. You can buy tube 80g PS2 for aprox. 25 USD without tax.



COROLL s.r.o.Hostovského 525
54931 HRONOV
Czech Republic
+420 491 483 805 (tel/fax)

Gary Hair
01-10-2014, 4:32 PM
It must be cheaper in the Czech Republic, the local NSK distributor wants almost $90 USD for an 80g tube... If anyone has found it cheaper I'd sure like to know where!

Tony Lenkic
01-10-2014, 4:39 PM

Amazon has 100g tube for 14.95 ----------------Google " Motorex White Grease"

Martin Safranek
01-10-2014, 4:48 PM
Its hard belive that something is cheaper in CZ than in US because we have almost everything more expensive ;) From my point of view is price about 30 USD for grease is bloody expensive ... common white grease cost about 2-5 USD for 250g from CZ producer .. but we want the best for our laser pets :D

Gary Hair
01-10-2014, 7:22 PM

Amazon has 100g tube for 14.95 ----------------Google " Motorex White Grease"

That's close but not quite the same, not all "lithium based" grease is the same. I bought some very similar to Motorex and the consistency is worlds apart from the PS2 lube from NSK, the NSK is very thin and the typical lithium grease is pretty thick, more viscous.