View Full Version : Re-post "Aspirations" - now a WoW cover pick!!!

Roger Chandler
12-14-2013, 3:48 PM

This is a re-post of my hollow form "Aspirations" as was suggested by a number of members here on SMC

While I just got my new photo setup, and one of the bulbs was broken in the package during shipping, and I have a steep learning curve on photographing my work.........the pic is far from perfect, and I am going through the instruction manual on my camera and just learning a bit about what all those buttons do! :eek: I have a Nikon DSLR that my youngest son got me last Christmas......I have not learned how to use it yet.......my wife does about all the picture taking, not me!

This is nonetheless a better picture, and shows the form in a better light than the other one did. The colors look truer to the "in person view" although for some reason the replication in the finial is not showing as glossy as it is in person.....hummmm? :confused:

I hope you agree, and I welcome your comments on both the new pic and the form...Thank you all!

John Keeton
12-14-2013, 4:24 PM
Much improved!! Easily worth the cost
of the photo booth.

charlie knighton
12-14-2013, 4:58 PM
much better picture, the turning i assume is the same, tell your wife good job

Roger Chandler
12-14-2013, 5:36 PM
much better picture, the turning i assume is the same, tell your wife good job

I would Charlie, if she had taken the pic.........that was me! ;) I still have lots of room for improvement!!!

David DeCristoforo
12-14-2013, 11:27 PM
It should be noted that this almost made the cover on WoW. The cover team member for Friday commented that he had decided on this but he was foiled by the posting of one of the most incredible pieces of wood art ever seen, done in collaboration by several of the most prodigious talents in the turning world. So it goes...

Roger Chandler
12-15-2013, 5:25 AM
It should be noted that this almost made the cover on WoW. The cover team member for Friday commented that he had decided on this but he was foiled by the posting of one of the most incredible pieces of wood art ever seen, done in collaboration by several of the most prodigious talents in the turning world. So it goes...

Very Kind of you to note this David. While I am not in competition with anyone else........this is just my personal quest for excellence, having the likes of Bihn Pho, Derek Wiedman, Graeme Priddle and Gorst Duplessis post a collaboration at the same time I posted this piece, does sort of lessen the chances for a cover pic!

Such is life! :)

Dennis Nagle
12-15-2013, 6:15 AM
Say more about your light box. What brand is it and would you do anything different after getting the one you did.

Mike Cruz
12-15-2013, 7:16 AM
Roger, the pic is MUCH better. And as other stated in your other thread, this is probably the best form you've done. The curves are smooth. Nice transactions. Great proportions. Also, it looks like you got rid of all the tool and sanding marks. And the finish is glass smooth. You hit a home run with this one!

If I were to critique anything, it would be the foot and finial. Both are a bit chunky for my taste. The foot could have stood to be thinner, but the shape is spot on. As for the finial, while it could be thinner, I think the proportions are just a little off. Either the onion needs to be a little lower, or the tip/neck needs to be longer. That said, I'm talking out of what my eye sees, not that I could do better. I've turned only a few finials and they were both chunkier than this. So, no high horse here!

All in all, like I said, my favorite of your forms. Great job!

Roger Chandler
12-15-2013, 8:37 AM
Roger, the pic is MUCH better. And as other stated in your other thread, this is probably the best form you've done. The curves are smooth. Nice transactions. Great proportions. Also, it looks like you got rid of all the tool and sanding marks. And the finish is glass smooth. You hit a home run with this one!

If I were to critique anything, it would be the foot and finial. Both are a bit chunky for my taste. The foot could have stood to be thinner, but the shape is spot on. As for the finial, while it could be thinner, I think the proportions are just a little off. Either the onion needs to be a little lower, or the tip/neck needs to be longer. That said, I'm talking out of what my eye sees, not that I could do better. I've turned only a few finials and they were both chunkier than this. So, no high horse here!

All in all, like I said, my favorite of your forms. Great job!

Thank you much Mike..........your comments are appreciated! Since you know what my "studio" set up is, :D you know what some of the challenges is have in trying to find a decent way to finish things.......in an unheated shop. Well, I do have a Kerosene heater out there, but it is no where near adequate for the things I need to do in cold weather. Thanks again, bud!

Roger Chandler
12-15-2013, 9:23 PM
Say more about your light box. What brand is it and would you do anything different after getting the one you did.

Dennis..........sorry I am late answering this...........I have been away from the house most of the day, and busy when I was here...........to answer your inquiry on my light box set up.........here is the link where I got mine:


Before I purchased, I spoke with my son who occasionally photographs weddings, etc........and got some advice from Jamie Donaldson.........both seemed to think this was a usable setup. It does not come with a tripod........I had to order one, but the light stands are pretty good and the tent comes with 4 backgrounds [white, red, blue and black]

There is an art to refolding the tent itself and getting it back into the zippered pouch it comes in, but once you figure out to tuck in the sides, it is pretty much like folding up a bandsaw blade.

Roger Chandler
12-20-2013, 8:11 PM
I was just posting a peppermill on WoW, and found out that "Aspirations" made the cover pic for today...:)..12/20/2013. I had no idea they would pick almost a week later........but I do appreciate the consideration of my turning.

Mike Cruz
12-20-2013, 9:30 PM
Congrats, Roger!

Roger Chandler
12-20-2013, 10:03 PM
Congrats, Roger!

Thanks Mike.......appreciated!

John Keeton
12-21-2013, 5:27 AM
Roger, congrats!!! I edited the title so folks would know. You did a fantastic job on this one, and it is getting the attention it deserves.

Roger Chandler
12-21-2013, 8:05 AM
Roger, congrats!!! I edited the title so folks would know. You did a fantastic job on this one, and it is getting the attention it deserves.

Thank you, John..........the screen shot is a nice gesture!

Dennis Nagle
12-21-2013, 8:07 AM
I googled WOW and keep getting links to 2006. Can someone post a good link.

Thanks for the link to the light box Roger. I think Ill order it.

Roger Chandler
12-21-2013, 8:13 AM
I googled WOW and keep getting links to 2006. Can someone post a good link.

Thanks for the link to the light box Roger. I think Ill order it.

Dennis, try www. classic.myfamily.com

you may have to register again......they had some issues with the domain. The were supposed to get the other one back

www. thewows.com

one of those links should get you there

charlie knighton
12-21-2013, 11:43 AM
congratulations Roger, hope to see some of your work in the instant gallery at the Va Woodturning Symposium in september, featured turner is Stuart Batty

rick pixley01
12-21-2013, 12:05 PM
saw your piece and it is beautiful...Once again the URL for WOW is not working..Anyone else having this problem?

Jim Seyfried
12-21-2013, 12:53 PM
Congratulations Roger! That is one sweet turning!

Roger Chandler
12-21-2013, 1:11 PM
saw your piece and it is beautiful...Once again the URL for WOW is not working..Anyone else having this problem?

Thanks Rick! The site seems to be in and out today for some reason..........about an hour ago the page would not load for me either.

John Keeton
12-21-2013, 1:12 PM
Unless you are a registered member of WoW, you will not be able to enter the site. In order to become a registered member, one must be invited by an existing member. When that happens, the invitee receives an email from the site with log in instructions.

My link to WoW at www. myfamily.com still works, but because the site recognizes my IP, I do not have to log in. Those that are having difficulty may not be registered members.

Roger Chandler
12-21-2013, 1:13 PM
Congratulations Roger! That is one sweet turning!

Thanks Jim.........much appreciated!!

David C. Roseman
12-21-2013, 5:21 PM
Well deserved, Roger! Thanks also for the link to the photo light box. Very tempting. One day I may graduate from snapshots on the kitchen counter. :)


David DeCristoforo
12-21-2013, 5:34 PM
It was nice to see this on the WoW cover. As your undisputed best piece to date, it deserves the recognition. I don't know what you are using for a web browser but most will allow you to save a web page in PDF format. Typically, you select the "Print" option from the "File" menu and there are some format options, one of which is PDF. If you don't see it, you may need a plug-in to print to PDF. I use Safari (Mac) and this is a "native" option. You can use this to save the WoW cover page as well as the page with all the comments. Nice to have for "posterity". You might already know all of this but I thought I would mention it "just in case". Congrats again on the cover...

PS I noticed that your thread on WoW morphed into a discussion on imaging. There was a lot of good information exchange but there is one thing that did not get mentioned. Your image is not "plumb" and causes the piece to appear to tilt a degree or so counterclockwise. Whatever image editing software you are using should have a rotation tool that will allow you to correct this. One of my "tricks" is to draw a vertical red line on the image (again you software should provide a way to do this) and then drag it to the center of the piece. That makes it easy to see if it's leaning one way or the other and correct it if necessary. Afterwards, you can delete the line and crop the edges of the image to eliminate the "white space" created by the image rotation.

Roger Chandler
12-21-2013, 5:49 PM
It was nice to see this on the WoW cover. As your undisputed best piece to date, it deserves the recognition. I don't know what you are using for a web browser but most will allow you to save a web page in PDF format. Typically, you select the "Print" option from the "File" menu and there are some format options, one of which is PDF. If you don't see it, you may need a plug-in to print to PDF. I use Safari (Mac) and this is a "native" option. You can use this to save the WoW cover page as well as the page with all the comments. Nice to have for "posterity". You might already know all of this but I thought I would mention it "just in case". Congrats again on the cover...

PS I noticed that your thread on WoW morphed into a discussion on imaging. There was a lot of good information exchange but there is one thing that did not get mentioned. Your image is not "plumb" and causes the piece to appear to tilt a degree or so counterclockwise. Whatever image editing software you are using should have a rotation tool that will allow you to correct this. One of my "tricks" is to draw a vertical red line on the image (again you software should provide a way to do this) and then drag it to the center of the piece. That makes it easy to see if it's leaning one way or the other and correct it if necessary. Afterwards, you can delete the line and crop the edges of the image to eliminate the "white space" created by the image rotation.

Thank you Mr. DeCristoforo! I was fortunate enough to have a screen shot sent to me by John Keeton. The WoW site is currently not displaying photos and they are having issues........wouldn't you know it, just my luck!

Just last evening when I posted the cherry peppermill, Marshall Gorrow clued me into the same information you just gave on the software rotation....perhaps when they get things going again I can go back and edit the pic or something if the site will allow it.

Thanks for your kind remarks, David.......they are appreciated!

David DeCristoforo
12-21-2013, 6:19 PM
The screenshot is much better than nothing but printing the page to PDF will preserve the entire page and you can scroll the PDF just as you would the web page itself. A screenshot only captures a portion of the page. I don't know if WoW offers image editing tools but any decent desktop image editor will have the necessary tools.