View Full Version : Must share recent accomplishment

Dale Murray
12-06-2013, 6:31 PM
I bought a house last year and said I would build a nice Christmas decoration; I pretty much forgot about it until my mother started hounding me. She came out to visit this week and I put her to work assisting.

The doghouse is 4' long and stands nearly 4' high. The top of the weather vane is roughly 6.5' high, also it works. the roof is hinged and lifts off. The front and rear extensions are each held on with two screws. A total of 8 screws holds the entire lower structure together. It can be easily disassembled and stored.

The best thing about the was how happy it made my wife and my mother to see it done.


Peter Quinn
12-06-2013, 6:40 PM
I can hear the snoopy theme song playing in my head......nice work! Beats a plastic store bought blow up!

Andrew Hughes
12-06-2013, 6:43 PM
Thats nice Dale, I know my wife would adore something like that.But you realize you may have a hard time topping that next year.:)

Dale Murray
12-06-2013, 6:49 PM
The nice Dale, I know my wife would adore something like that.But you realize you may have a hard time topping that next year.:)

I just read your comment to my wife and followed it with, "The Fool". She laughed.

This was something I built on a lark, now that the ball is rolling it will only get better and more absurd. Next year I will build the psychiatrist booth so people can their pictures taken in it.

Andrew Hughes
12-06-2013, 8:31 PM
The peanuts theme does have a lot to offer,I was kinda fond of the Red Baron.The holidays can sure be fun if one is in the right mood.

george newbury
12-06-2013, 8:51 PM
I bought a house last year and said I would build a nice Christmas decoration; I pretty much forgot about it until my mother started hounding me. She came out to visit this week and I put her to work assisting.

The doghouse is 4' long and stands nearly 4' high. The top of the weather vane is roughly 6.5' high, also it works. the roof is hinged and lifts off. The front and rear extensions are each held on with two screws. A total of 8 screws holds the entire lower structure together. It can be easily disassembled and stored.

The best thing about the was how happy it made my wife and my mother to see it done.


Ah, so now you have a place to curl up in when you are in the doghouse :)