View Full Version : Calvin Knisley (1926 - 2013) woodworking projects

Rich Riddle
12-04-2013, 10:05 PM
A dear friend of mine who is a woodworker passed away in November. He's the age of some of our members and was quite prolific making three tables the week before his death. Thought it would be appropriate to post some of the works he made towards the end of this year to give all of us (especially those SMC elder members) some motivation. I miss Calvin.


These are some of his works in my house. He also made little items like boxes and pen jars, etc.

Justin Ludwig
12-04-2013, 10:21 PM
Those are some nice looking pieces. Sorry you lost a buddy.

Frederick Skelly
12-05-2013, 6:53 AM
His work is beautiful and looks like it will hopefully last many years.

As Justin said, I'm sorry you've lost a good friend.

Rich Riddle
12-05-2013, 8:00 AM
Calvin was a good friend and prolific woodworker. He also extensively traveled and drove to Alaska from Ohio when 86 years old after his doctor said he shouldn't fly. He visited every state with the exception of Delaware. Because of that, the family is looking for someone who lives in Delaware who would appreciate receiving one of his bowls as a gift. That way Calvin will have a piece of him there. Anyone know of someone in Delaware who would appreciate one of Calvin's bowls? Thanks.

Bruce Page
12-05-2013, 12:39 PM
Rich, it's hard to loose a loved one, in or out of the family. I'm sorry for your loss.

Rich Riddle
12-05-2013, 10:15 PM
Thanks for all the condolences. My hope is to one day be half as good and a tenth as prolific as Calvin. He certainly had a zest for life and offered all kinds of advice. He was a dairy farmer for decades then slowed down to regular farming. He had lots of expressions and only a few that can be published on a family forum.....