View Full Version : What do you do with your wood shavings?

Simon Dupay
11-29-2013, 1:25 PM
What do you do with your wood shavings? I usually put them in the yard waste bin but it's too late in the year for that anymore until spring. So what to do with them until then?

Rick Hutcheson
11-29-2013, 1:43 PM
If you go up to the top right corner, in the search box and type in wood shavings. About 10 posts show up that give a lot of answers to yuor question.

11-29-2013, 2:29 PM
Is this a place for conversation or just research?

Brian Kent
11-29-2013, 2:32 PM
Not a Minnesota answer, but I keep on filling in the yard holes. They start with gophers, followed by dogs chasing them by digging, followed filling them with 30 gallons of shavings as a time. Wild weather in San Diego today. Sprinkling at 63°.

Paul Williams
11-29-2013, 4:09 PM
Oak and maple go in the compost pile. Walnut goes in the trash. And, that is a Minnesota answer.

Rob Boesem
11-29-2013, 5:07 PM
I think I have the best deal going.......

I have a fellow down the road from me, that has laying hens. He loves my shavings for the floor of the chicken house, and in return he gives me free range eggs and all the paper feed bags I need for bagging my turnings to dry. :)

I always make sure there's no walnut, or anything else in the shavings that could be bad for his girls. :)

Ray Bell
11-29-2013, 5:10 PM
Simon, not Minn, but same circumstances here. Last yard waste pick up was last week. Can is now empty, and will fill throughout winter. By spring it will be overflowing with shavings and the remainder will go into 30 gal. bags and in the garbage can.

Bill Bukovec
11-29-2013, 6:14 PM
I use mine as mulch for flower garden paths and for mulching around trees and shrubs. I do not use walnut shavings for mulch.

Jon Nuckles
11-29-2013, 7:28 PM
I have seen Craigslist ads offering shavings for horse bedding, some free and some selling. Of course, I don't know if there are any takers!

John Sanders
11-29-2013, 7:56 PM
Mulch mulch and more mulch . . of various colors and textures . . . sort of exotic looking at times . . . wife loves it.

Doug Herzberg
11-29-2013, 8:34 PM
Oak and maple go in the compost pile. Walnut goes in the trash. And, that is a Minnesota answer.

I use the walnut to mulch areas where I don't want anything to grow. Everything else is composted, unless it gets used first to start a fire.

Rich Harkrader
11-29-2013, 9:49 PM
Another Minnesota answer. I use them to help start my fire pit and for browns in my compost.

Harry Robinette
11-29-2013, 10:51 PM
Remember no mulch close to the house rain well slash on to the siding and it leave a stain that wont come off. Purchased mulch has something in it the stops this.

Ralph Lindberg
11-29-2013, 11:08 PM
Three friends with chickens
Two friends that do pit-fired pottery
Then we use some as fire starter

Brian Ashton
11-30-2013, 12:08 AM
When I was turning a lot I used to pile up the shavings and burn them. I'd wait till the pile was a bout 6 feet high then dig into the middle and put a small pile of hot embers, then bury them. Come back the next day and the pile is for the most part gone. They would just smoulder away over the night with barely any smoke. Even on the wettest days where it was constant rain the pile would smoulder happily away.

terry mccammon
11-30-2013, 11:33 AM
The fines from my DC cyclone go to fill up holes, depressions in the yard. Turn rock hard over time. We have a fence along the alley where some scrub/volunteer trash trees have come up on the alley side of the fence. I dump the shavings in amongst them so I don't have to trim/mow in that area. What is interesting is that over time the level never really grows taller, they do decompose. I save the long, thick shavings from ripping logs with my chain saw until dry and use them on BSA campouts.

Moses Weisberg
11-30-2013, 10:53 PM
I have some neighbors with chickens who love the larger shaving for their coop.